Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Have I mentioned I hate Law School?

Today has not been a particularly good day. It started out alright. I woke up early, had some breakfast, and made it to class on time. But that's where the good parts of the day started to dwindle. Wednesdays are the worst days for me. I have classes from 8:30-12:15 and then from 1:30-3:30, all in the same classroom. That's right. For roughly five hours every wednesday I get to sit in the second row, first seat, of the appellate courtroom. It's tons of fun. Today was better than most Wednesdays, however, because my 1:30 class was cancelled. I was then able to enjoy a nice lunch of Chinese Food with the roomie, something we haven't done in a while. But again, things went downhill from there.

For the past, oh, month or so, Darko has had the sleeping habits of a vampire. That is, he sleeps during the day and is awake all night. We've done numerous things to try and rid him of this habit. Sleeping pills, trying to stay awake the entire day after staying up all night, but nothing has worked. Yesterday he went to sleep around 2:30 in the afternoon, and I hoped that he would sleep, if not entirely through the night, at least until sometime in the wee hours of the morning. He woke up at 9:00 p.m., and as he walked from our bedroom to the living room, where I was sitting, I thought to myself "Damnit, another sleepless night". But, luckily, I had taken a nap early in the day, so I was able to stay awake for a little while longer than I usually did, so when I went to bed, Darko decided to join me for a while, and subsequently fell asleep for a few hours. I am under the impression that I have a magic essence for giving him everything he needs in life. But maybe I'm just being dramatic. I was so excited waking up today because I figured after sleeping during the night, surely he'd be able to stay awake for the entire day and go to bed at a reasonable time.

Well, no. He asked me to watch basketball with him around 4:00 p.m. I don't really like basketball, so I left him to go do my own thing, and he fell asleep. I tried to wake him up, but he got a bit snippy with me, and so I left him alone. He woke up at 9:30, but claims he'll be able to go to sleep again tonight. I'm interested to see if he really does. But the thing is, I need him awake tomorrow because I have a doctor's visit, and I'd like for him to be there, if you know what I mean. Moral support and all while I'm being probed. Maybe I can slip a Tylenol P.M. into his milk or something, just to help him a little sleep tonight.

Our roof is leaking. It's been raining the past two days non-stop, and I was walking through our kitchen today and walked right through a puddle and thought "Did I spill water while washing the dishes?" But then I looked up and it was definitely coming from the ceiling. So, I grabbed a bucket and threw it under the leak so that it's not spilling on our kitchen floor. It's not a huge leak, only a drop every 2 seconds or so, but it's still a leak, and it's really annoying. And it's not like there's anything that can be done about it at the moment, considering it's still raining, but the thing is, it's supposed to rain for the next three days and we're supposed to be headed to Nova this weekend. What do we do if the bucket overflows? That'll be lovely to come home to. The only silver lining is that we don't own this place, so it's not like we have to pay to get it fixed, unless of course our stuff gets ruined because of it.

While the roomate was sleeping I went to the library to do some work that is due early next week, so I wouldn't be rushing to do it Sunday night when I get home. I'm so serious when I say this, I almost burned down the entire school. I spent probably an hour looking for one case. One case that my professor swears is in this one random digest that I was supposed to be able to get to by looking in the Index, which is an entirely different book, by the way, then the digest itself. I could not find the case. At all. And after looking through the book for roughly the 20th time I said "Fuck this", and left.

That was my justification for driving through Hardees on the way home. The fact that I have had such a bad day, and also, because Baby Jerinic LOVES french fries.

But, even though I had a bad day, I can't complain that much, because there are people out there who have it much worse than me.

So, my mother has this disease called Crohn's (sorry mom, if you didn't want the entire world to know that, and by the entire world, I really only mean Maura, Nate, Kelly, and well, Jessi). It's a disease that affects your intestines and can cause severe inflammation in your digestive tract. In a lot of cases it can be a fairly mild problem, however, there are some cases I've heard in which a person has to be fed through an I.V. because their systems cannot digest food correctly at all. When my mom was 30 she had a flare up of the disease and had to have a pretty basic surgery that removed a portion of her intestines and her appendex. According to the internet this is a pretty standard surgery for Crohn's patients. Luckily, everything went well with the surgery and my mom is fairly healthy considering she lives with Crohns on a daily basis. However, I heard something yesterday that sent shivers down my spine, because it hit a bit close to home. There was this girl named Lyndsay who went to VCU. Maura, you already know who I'm talking about, and I'm sure Nate and Kelly would remember her. She was a pretty, skinny, blonde girl who went to the gym on a regular basis. I was never really good friends with her, but she was always nice to me when she came to the gym. Apparently last year she was diagnosed with Crohns, and on August 3rd of this year she underwent a surgery to remove a portion of her intestines, much like my mother. However, unlike in my mother's case, there were complications with her surgery. She came down with a bacterial infection which would eventually lead to the amputation of her arms and legs due to poor circulation caused by the infection. She remains in intensive care. When I heard that it made me really sad, and even though I didn't know this girl very well, I kind of wish I had.

It's stories like this that make me wish I was a better person, you know, one who DOESN'T complain about the fact that she can't find a book in the library, because at least I am healthy enough to go to the library, and so are all the important people in my life, and for that I am lucky.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I know who this Lyndsay gal is. What is her last name? We should look her up on Myspace. I'm curious now. If she cut the nipples out of her work out top OR insisted on only using Precor #3 I'd of course remember her. Either way that is awful she is so sick!!! Artificial limbs are a lot better now these days though...

I too have a baby appointment today. I'm not looking forward to stepping on the scale. Baby Mars has been enjoying cake, ice cream, cereal + toasted coconut marshmallows all month. I think she might actually come out covered in coconut @ the rate I consume them.

I wish you were attending UVA Law School. My mommy + 1 of my best friends works there so when I visit, I pretty much live there. I don't look rich or douchey so I don't fit in that well, but they can eaaaaaaaaaaat it!!!

Maybe Darko should try exercising during the day so he is tired in the evening. He can jog around if he can't go to a gym.

<3 u

Anonymous said...

If you're talking about Lindsey Ess, I know who you're talking about and she is a really cool girl. That sucks so bad. But on another sad note, have I been replaced by your new roommate? What's this I read about Chinese food with the roommie? Huh? HUH? If I saw "Chinese food AND movie night" I would never speak to you again. That was our thing, and I can never forgive you for this! NEVER! *hysterical sobbing ensues for roughly ten seconds* So, how's everyone's day been?

Anonymous said...

I can't say I remember her, but here is the Myspace site dedicated to helping a sista out.

Anonymous said...

Katie...seriouisly Lindsay is all I have been thinking about for the past couple days. It really makes you re-examine you life. I just can't imagine.

We too had some problems with B's sleeping habits before he got a job. But I nipped that in the bud (or butt?..i never knew which one it was?) because i wasn't having that shit. Me at work and school all day an him getting to sleep all day...fuck that. I guess I'm a meaner gf than you! haha