Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I called in sick today...

Last night I thought I was getting the flu. You know, like I was nauseaous, I had body aches, I was tired, and incredibly cold. So after I got off work I came home to a lovely meal of pork chops, potatoes, and salad. It was beautiful. And even better because I had asked him to cook. Too bad I couldn't eat any of it. I went to bed around 6:30 and slept pretty much through the night.

I woke up this morning and still felt a little sick, but not nearly as bad as I did yesterday. So I called in sick and have been relaxing most of the day today. There is nothing better than sleeping in until 10:30 then cuddling till 12 only to be cooked lunch. Amazing. I wish I didn't ever have to work but still had money to live. That would be the best.

That's it for now. Just wanted to post a quick hello, because now I'm laying down for another nap:-)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another Lazy Sundy

Welp, this week's been about the same as the last few weeks. Not a whole lot going on. Work, live, work, sleep, sleep, etc. etc. etc.... But I'm doing it in Europe, so that makes it much more fun.

Today marks the one month time period for when I'm supposed to come home. That's right ladies, in exactly one month from today I am supposed to be getting on a plane to come back to the states to live a miserable existence before heading to law school, where my miserable existence will be multiplied due to the fact that I will be living in a tiny mountain town that has a population of roughly 500 and will be completely alone.

Now, what would all of you do in my situation? There's nothing I can do. That's right. I'm doomed to be miserable for the rest of my life. Drama much?

Darko says I should come home in May and he will follow later. I'm a bit skeptical, but that's becauase I'm skeptical about everything. I can't help thinking that maybe that's the best thing considering it's going to cost a bit to change my ticket, and I won't be able to work, thus I won't have a whole lot of money. Know what I mean. But it makes me so sad when I think about leaving. I was almost in tears today. Seriously.

Bleh. This sucks.

It would have been much easier if I had just stayed home. Coming here was a bad idea.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's a PMS day...

You know how I know? Because I woke up this morning in a good mood, had one thing go wrong, and now feel like crying and sulking for the rest of the day.

There's this place called Bella Roma, which is one of our favorite Italian restuarants in the city. Well I haven't had it in a long time and the last time he had it I wasn't with him. So yesterday I asked if we could go and he said we'll go tomorrow around 12. I got really excited. At 11:30 this morning I woke him up and said "Can we go now?" and he said, get some soup to tide you over, we'll go in two hours. I didn't want soup, and felt resentful (the first pms clue) that he didn't jump up when I woke him, so I bought myself a sandwich, and was in the process of eating it when he came downstairs not ten minutes later. I just looked at him and kept eating my sandwich. I was looking so forward to going to Bella Roma and then to O'Briens for coffee. Had he just gotten up when I told woke him this wouldn't have happened. Pissed. That's what I was. Then the feeling refused to go away.

Later, he walks over to me and says "Lionel wants us to go to Pheonix Park for a barbecue. Call him and make arrangements". Not appreciating him telling me what to do. I said "I don't want to call him, you call him." We argued over who was going to call him and in the process his phones falls off the table and breaks open on the floor. Nothing that can't be fixed easily, but he scoops up all the pieces and slams them into the trash can and says "Then neither one of us will call him" and storms off. This would have been the second phone in a week that he lost, so as I'm digging the pieces out of the trash (luckily it was early in the day before it got really full) I was getting angrier and angrier (second pms clue). I get the phone together and working and storm into the living room and slam it down on the couch next to him and tell him he's an asshole (third pms clue) and storm out.

So I call Lionel and ask what the situation is, and he tells me they're going to have a bar-bq at Pheonix Park, etc, etc, and that he'd give us a call when he had more details, which pissed me off even more becuase if he was just going to call us back then why the fuck did I need to call him in the first place. So I seriously talked to Lionel three times before we left. He calls at like 3 and says, ok, be at the meeting spot in 15 minutes (the meeting spot being 20 minutes away). I hate being rushed. But apparently Darko hasn't caught on to that point yet. He starts rushing me and then looks at what I'm wearing and says "We're going to a barbeque. It's ridiculous for you to wear that". Let me fill you in on what I had on, and you all determine whether it was appropriate for the occasion. Keep in mind it's roughly 75 degrees outside, sunny, with a slight breeze. Dark Jeans, a black short sleeved shirt, flip flops, and pearls to finish off the effect. Raise your hand if you think that's inappropriate for a barbeque. Yeah, I didn't think so either. So I changed shoes threw on a longsleeved black T, but kept the pearls.

Since we were in a hurry we were walking really fast through the streets of Dublin. Because Darko had made me change shirts, I was sweating, and then we get to the grocery store and meet up with Lionel. This is what I see: Lionel, Nicky (a boy), Brad, another two boys I don't know, and Darko. So I say to Lionel "Is this supposed to be just a boy thing". And he looks at me and I can tell he feels kind of bad and he says "Yeah, sort of." I just looked at him and then said "You couldn't have told me this one of the 75 times we talked today, BEFORE i walked all the way down here to meet you". He said "I'm sorry, I thought it would be kind of rude to say that to you" (which maybe it would have, but I would have appreciated it more than being told to go away once I got there). So I said "Well I'm not going to go if it's just a boy thing, so I'll see you boys later" and proceeded to walk all the way back by myself in the Africa heat.

Then when I got back to the hostel I tried to get into my locker to get out the computer. Darko has a tendency to change the combonation without telling me. Today was NOT the best day to do that. I tried the combo probably 10 times before calling him and saying "Did you change the fucking combonation" and him giving it to me, with me hanging up without saying goodbye.

All day I haven't been able to shake the pissy feeling. At all. Which is how I know it's PMS. When it's not I can usually get over it pretty quickly. But not today.

It's so frustrating.

And it's even worse because I know Darko feels bad about everything, but nothing he does cheers me up when I'm like this, and then I feel even worse. So it sucks.

Anyway. I'm going to go sulk now. Have a beautiful day.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

This, my friends, is Urban. He arrived on Saturday and stayed till wednesday. The first thing I noticed about him was how much he acted like Darko. Seriously. They talked exactly the same, had the same facial expressions, etc. It was uncanny. That must come from spending 25 years together. Or maybe it's just a Slovenian thing. He was super nice and really funny. I was sad to see him leave.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Since so many of my blogs have been filled with negative thoughts...

Things that make me happy...
My Friends
My family (mainly my mother and sister)
Black flat slip-on ballet slipper type shoes
Dark blue jeans
Diaper-bag sized purses
When multiple songs that I love come on my ipod in a row
Darko when he finds something he really likes
Sunshine coupled with bitter cold
Venit non-fat sugar-free hazlenut extra-hot no-foam lattes
People who go out of their way to help someone in need
Finishing an amazing book
Movie theatres
Movies that make you want to stand up and cheer
The smell of fresh flowers
St Stephens Green in April
Knowing that I'm loved
Singing to music as loud as I can
When girls wearing high heels in the city trip and fall
A random smile from a stranger
Cartoon sheep
A good bottle of wine with friends
Giant can-hold-an-entire-bottle-of-wine wine glasses
Giant retro sunglasses
Capri pants
Baja Bean Company
Rum and Cokes
Wheetabix Mini's
Scratching my arm in the morning
Waking up on my own before the sun rises
Starting a good book
5:30 in the afternoon every weekday
Meeting that one random American in Ireland
Casear salads
Pearl necklaces
Talking to my mother on the telephone
Talking to anyone on the telephone
Getting email
Big jewelry (especially earings and rings)
Laying in bed all afternoon with no cares in the world
Richmond Virginia
Families who stay in hostels
Realizing you have just enough 1 euro coins to buy lunch
The theatre
Satsuma anything from the Body shop
Boots Essential Shampoo
Old Navy Jeans
Penney's on a Thursday afternoon
Coffee in the afternoon
Not having to pay for magazines
Soft skin
A clean kitchen
Back rubs
If you haven't already noticed... It's been a good day... I'll go into more detail in a bit...

Friday, April 6, 2007

Slovenian music

1. So, who knows the chicken dance?

::Raises hand, and begins shaking her tail feathers::

That's right, I know all of you know it, and on command can hum the music to it. Well, who wants to know where that song originated? I'll give you two guesses, but probably you'll only need one. Slovenia. That's right. That famous song that EVERYONE in the world knows, was originally sung by a Slovenian artist. Darko's been downloading his music and he played one of them and I was like "Hey, that's the Chicken Dance Song" and he said "Yeah, you didn't know it was Slovenian?"

I was pretty impressed...

2. I bought a new purse today and it was only 8 Euro. I'm so excited. I've been needing a new purse for a while and this one is perfect. Almost as large as a diaper bag, but much better looking. My kind of purse.

3. I hate people who walk slower than me. I walk really slow, and so it's really bad when someone walks SLOWER THAN ME!!! It's just ridiculous. I want to push them into on coming traffic. Really.

4. It's good friday right? Well, in the states, we don't give a flying fuck about good Friday. Here, apparently they do. It's illegal to sell ANY ALCOHOL ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!! No, I'm serious. In a city where there are like 4 pubs on each block, there is absolutely no alcohol sold the entire day. The pubs are all closed. It's kind of weird walking down the street on a Friday night without the common scene of pub smokers congregating outside. Also very annoying when all you and your boyfriend want to do is share a bottle of wine or two before going to bed. Mother fucking catholics. Stupid.

5. Tomorrow Urban comes. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

This will not be over quickly... You will not enjoy this...

I finally got Darko to go see 300 with me last night, and.... it.... was.... absolutely... AMAZING!!!!! It was seriously almost orgasmic. It was probably the best movie I've seen in a very long time. Not only did it have a beautiful story about love and honor, but it was just a beautiful movie to watch as well. The cinematogrophy was absolutely stunning. It was very much computer generated, but still magnificent. The sound was also really stunning. It was perfect for the story and everything just fit perfectly. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past couple of months, 300 is the story of when 300 Spartans fought a Persian army of millions in order to keep them from overtaking Greece. King Leonidus was the king who led his soldiers into battle, and his wife Queen Gorgo was the BEST character in the movie. I love seeing strong female characters, and this was definitely a strong female character. She is my hero. Women everywhere should see this movie just for her character. It's hard to explain why she was so cool, but in one scene she kills a man, and I wanted to stand up and cheer. In the Sparta culture men are bred to be very strong and not show emotion, etc, etc, and in one scene the Queen is speaking to a messenger of the Persians, and he questions why a woman is speaking to him, and she responds "Because only Spartan women give birth to real men." Again, I wanted to stand up a cheer. Also, as the King was leaving for battle he wasn't supposed to show emotion or anything, so he didn't actually tell his wife he loved her, but she knew it, and he really was just madly in love with this woman. The very last line he spoke in the movie was "My Queen, my wife, my love". I can't tell you why he said this because it would give away some of the story, but it sent chills up my spine, and made my heart almost stop, because it was just so beautiful. I just can't tell you how good the movie was. See it. See it now. See it more than once. I seriously want to go see it again, because I loved it so much. Jessi, I can't believe you said it was an unromantic movie. There was so much love and romance in it, and I guess a bit of violence mixed into it as well, but that's to be expected. So good....