Sunday, April 1, 2007

This will not be over quickly... You will not enjoy this...

I finally got Darko to go see 300 with me last night, and.... it.... was.... absolutely... AMAZING!!!!! It was seriously almost orgasmic. It was probably the best movie I've seen in a very long time. Not only did it have a beautiful story about love and honor, but it was just a beautiful movie to watch as well. The cinematogrophy was absolutely stunning. It was very much computer generated, but still magnificent. The sound was also really stunning. It was perfect for the story and everything just fit perfectly. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past couple of months, 300 is the story of when 300 Spartans fought a Persian army of millions in order to keep them from overtaking Greece. King Leonidus was the king who led his soldiers into battle, and his wife Queen Gorgo was the BEST character in the movie. I love seeing strong female characters, and this was definitely a strong female character. She is my hero. Women everywhere should see this movie just for her character. It's hard to explain why she was so cool, but in one scene she kills a man, and I wanted to stand up and cheer. In the Sparta culture men are bred to be very strong and not show emotion, etc, etc, and in one scene the Queen is speaking to a messenger of the Persians, and he questions why a woman is speaking to him, and she responds "Because only Spartan women give birth to real men." Again, I wanted to stand up a cheer. Also, as the King was leaving for battle he wasn't supposed to show emotion or anything, so he didn't actually tell his wife he loved her, but she knew it, and he really was just madly in love with this woman. The very last line he spoke in the movie was "My Queen, my wife, my love". I can't tell you why he said this because it would give away some of the story, but it sent chills up my spine, and made my heart almost stop, because it was just so beautiful. I just can't tell you how good the movie was. See it. See it now. See it more than once. I seriously want to go see it again, because I loved it so much. Jessi, I can't believe you said it was an unromantic movie. There was so much love and romance in it, and I guess a bit of violence mixed into it as well, but that's to be expected. So good....


Unknown said...

you're right, it was very much full of love and romance, but it's not a movie that you would first think is a date movie.

I'm so glad you liked it. I loved it too. The visual effects are fantastic. I could watch it in mute.

We're going to buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Did you know that Leonidus was the Phantom in the movie? And Xerxes was Carl, Laura Linney's love interest in Love Actually.

Anonymous said...

sounds this something I could watch?? I don't mind a little killing every now and then but is it real graphic??

(remind me to ask you a question about lighto later)

Anonymous said...

I haven't had an urge to see this movie until I read this + your sister's blogs about it. Harry will thank you because he's been asking me to go see it + been getting the old veto.

It's not cool homeboy did not tell his woman he loved her before going to war. I would kick Harry in his fucking teeth if he pulled that shit with me!

Unknown said...

you want to talk about updating? Apparently your blogs are brief and unenjoyable. Just kidding. I do so enjoy them. However I like to enjoy them and then quickly move on to a fresh blog the next day.

Let's get crackin' shall we?