Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

I know, it's been a while. I started this new job this week and it has me getting up really early, and getting home really late, after which all I want to do is lie around and watch television. I'll try and blog tonight, but I really can't promise anything. As it is I think I'm running late. Don't worry ladies. As to my status on facebook, I'll update you guys on that as well. When I have more details.

Friday, February 23, 2007

We had our first fight.

Last night was horrible. It was probably the worst night I've had in Ireland, and that's the part I can actually remember. I had such a bad day. I didn't get the three month long job because they were looking to make the position permanent and wanted someone who could potentially stay on permanently. I mean, I didn't really want to commit to three months, but it would have at least given me some security. I went back to the hostel after work and started drinking by myself. We bought a huge bottle of Bacardi Black. I've actually never seen Bacardi Black. Do they even sell it in the states? It's so good. It's probably the best rum I've ever had. It's dark rum, but it's super smooth, and mixes incredibly well with Coke. But Darko was at a pub with Lionel and told me to come over. Well at that point I was already fairly drunk. I'd probably had the equivalent of three shots of rum, not too much but enough for a buzz, especially when I didn't eat dinner. I went to the pub and apparently Darko really wanted me to get the job cause when I told him I didn't get it because they wanted someone more permanent, he got really angry, and asked why I didn't lie and everything. I was really surprised at how mad he got. He seems to be so worried about my financial situation, like he's afraid he's going to have to support me or something like that. Let me set the record straight. I've NEVER asked him for money or even acted like I needed money, so I don't know where it was all coming from. He just kept getting angrier and angrier. I think he was thinking more long term, like if I can't get a working visa, he'll have to support me if he wants me to stay longer. I said "Oh, so that's why you're so angry. You don't want me to leave". But he was pissed off at that point and so he replied with a wave of his hand.

So from that point on the night just kept getting worse. He was in a horrible mood the whole time and then we had to walk for like three miles to get something from a friend of his. Then we came back to the hostel, and I was just completely trashed. And then, we brought something other than alcohol into the mix, which made it even worse, because you see, he went straight to sleep. That's right. He got me completely trashed, ready to have fun, and then he passed out. So, we all know how touchy I am when I'm trashed, had he been awake I would have been all over him. As it was, I apparently found some other guy to keep me entertained. I'm not sure how, but I ended up in the bathroom with this shirtless australian fellow. Nothing happened because I can remember everything up to that point. But I can't say for sure that nothing would have happened. Darko woke up at that point, came into the bathroom, and that did not turn out well. I can't blame him though. His girlfriend in a bathroom with a shirtless australian, doesn't really look good. He just looked at me and went back to bed.

Everything after that is completely gone. Apparently, from what some friends have told me, I came downstairs and just made a complete fool of myself until the night porter made me go back upstairs. Haha. I woke up this morning with Darko in bed. I was completely clothed, which was a good thing. I usually see my Swedish friends at night and I woke up this morning wondering why I hadn't seen them. However, I had apparently hung out with them for like an hour last night, and just can't remember. Fucking stupid. I was so close to ruining things last night, it's just retarded. Like, I don't even really want to think about it.

But we woke up this morning, and talked, and I told Darko not to leave me alone when I'm wasted, and that he has to understand how I am when I'm inebriated. I also explained that anything that does happen when I'm like that doesn't mean anything, and that I don't actually want to act like that, but it's gonna happen, and he just needs to be there when it does. Because ALL of my attention would have been on him had he been there. I did apologize and he did too, and we worked it out. Then he told me to check my messages on my phone. He got so mad last night that he broke up with me. Yup. He texted me "Katie, we're finished, I'll tell you this in person as well". I couldn't believe it. It's probably a good thing that I didn't get the text last night because I'm not sure how I would have reacted, but I said "You broke up with me? Are you gonna break up with me every time I make you angry". He said no, that last night was just really bad, and I said yes it was, but I'll try not to let it get that out of hand from now on. But I do need his support when I get wasted like that. I think he understands, but I suppose we'll have to see next time whether or not he REALLY understands.

Today we didn't do anything. He's been upstairs sleeping most of the day. I layed down with him for a while, but then came down to get online and talk with Daniel and Kaveh, the Swedes.

I'll close this now, and leave you with some fairwell pictures....

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Long days...

I know I haven't written in a day. Yesterday was super long and busy. I had to get up and go to that interview and then go to work for the rest of the day. Then when I got home all I wanted to do was lie down. Which is what I did.

So, yeah. Work sucks. Big surprise right? At least at this job though I have people to talk to. There's this really cool Australian girl who works there who I really like. It's refreshing to see people actually talking to each other. It gives me hope.

I'm not sure how the interview went. It was hard to get a read off the women who interviewed me. And I may have blown it when I told them I didn't know anything about what their foundation did. Haha. Oops. I didn't know I'd be asked about that. But at the end of the interview they told me that they'd let me know pretty quickly. I have yet to hear anything. People say no news is good news, right? Whatever. I didn't want this job anyway. haha. Damnit.

If you guys want to read something really funny, click on the link at the bottom of my page that says "Let's all give a warm welcome to..." and go to Jessi's page. Read the blog entitled "Much more interesting than my sick day" or something like that. I was reading it at work today and couldn't stop laughing. I think people were staring. Seriously. It's funny.

I showed Darko my Feder-bear last night. For those of you who don't know what a Feder-bear is... It's a beanie baby dressed like Roger Federer, the best Tennis player of all time. It's the cutest little bear you've ever seen. Well, Darko likes tennis as much as I do and so I knew he'd appreciate it, and I was right. He was watching soccer with the feder bear resting on his lap. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. So I ran upstairs and grabbed my camera. But by the time I came down, he'd gotten up. I really need to start carrying around my camera. It would make things SO much easier. Usually I have it with me, but not last night.

If I were to send you all a message that had *muah* in it, would you know what it meant?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I think he's just with me for my computer...

Just kidding. But we do tend to spend a lot of time on my computer. I think in the past four days we've spent 40 hours on the computer, and by we I mean Darko. But that's ok. For the most part I'm content playing cards and watching television. It's like I am at home.

Today was much better than yesterday. Probably because my mood was better, and I wasn't forced to get up early and walk somewhere in the rain to start off my day. Darko didn't work today as well (I know, I should probably make him go, but it's just so much nicer to lie in bed and cuddle) so we layed in bed till about 11, at which time we got up, got dressed, etc. We had lunch of chips and a chicken fillet baguette, and perused the internet. We've been talking about getting an apartment, so we browsed the web and found a really cute place for 1300 Euro a month, two bedroom, which we would share with another couple. The only problem is, we have to find another couple to share it with.

After that I decided that I really needed to do laundry and therefore, got it together and brought it down to reception. That's right, it's done for me. I feel bad for the people who have to do laundry. With all these gross backpackers who, like me, go weeks and weeks without washing their clothes, it must get really disgusting. I think it's even worse than washing the sweaty Siegel work out towels. At least then it's really only sweat. Lord knows what's growing on these clothes. Bleh.

Then we had dinner, which, of course, he cooked for me. I swear, the boy can make a feast from like three vegetables, some salt, a couple of chicken breasts and a sauce pan. Seriously, even the bread was good. Like, he heated it up on the stove and sprinkled it with salt and a bit of vegetable oil, and it was the best bread I'd ever tasted. He says that's how the Balkans cook, because a lot of them have only enough money to buy some veggies and meat and have a meal for the entire family. It was so hot. Then when someone asks him if he's a good cook he gets modest and says "Eh, I'm ok." To which I say "Stop being modest, you're amazing". I wanted to take some pics of him cooking to post, but he said no.

P.S. Kelly, you're right, Coke Zero, SO much better than Diet Coke, it really does taste like regular Coke. It's amazing.

I really wanted to do something today because starting tomorrow I have to go to work and won't have a lot of free time. Oh, on a side note, tomorrow I have an interview for a temp job that is supposed to last until the end of May. I can't decide if I'm happy about that or not. Like, I guess it's good that I'll finally have a stable job, but I don't really want to commit to something for three months that I have to go to everyday of the week. Darko was excited for me though, and said that if I kept turning down jobs they may not offer anymore to me. Good point. So, I've got that interview in the morning and then I have to work in the afternoon for the rest of the week. So, I really wanted to do something fun today, and Darko was feeling lazy and said no, and I was like "That's fine, but know that you owe me this weekend". Well, there's a soccer game on tonight that he wants to watch and all day he's been planning on watching it here. Turns out the hostel doesn't have the channel that the soccer game is on. So miraculously, Darko wants to go out. Haha. FUCKER. I just have to laugh. It's such a typical boy thing to do. And like, I had put my laundry in to get washed because I didn't think I had anything to do tonight, and now I have to wait for it to be done before I can go out. So Darko headed to the pub, and I'm going to meet him in a bit.

So, anyhoo... Wish me luck on my interview. If all goes well, I'll love this job and never want to leave.

Oh, I forgot something. I lost a pair of my jeans. I'm serious, they just disappeared. I brought six pairs of jeans with me. Three that actually fit, one that is too big, and two that are enormous. Honestly, not exactly sure why I brought the enormous ones. I threw one of them out today. But while I was going through all my stuff today for laundry I could not find one of the pairs that fit. I'm so pissed. They were my favorite and I haven't worn them since like the first couple of weeks I was here, and now they're gone. I have no idea what could have happened to them. Honestly, I don't even remember the last time I wore them so that maybe I could retrace my steps. So now I have only two pairs of jeans that fit and two pair that are way too big. I could go shopping, but I really REALLY liked these jeans. Darnit.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...

And today it was both. I had one of those days. You know the ones where EVERYTHING, no matter what annoys the living shit out of you. Yeah. If it had happened a week ago I would have said PMS. But it can't be that. But I swear to god, the whole day I've felt like crying or breaking something. Everything bothered me. I woke up this morning feeling fine. Then I had to walk in the rain to my agency to see if I could work. That didn't work out, so I had to walk all the way back in the rain. It all went downhill from there. Seriously. Bad day. I hope tomorrow is better. Probably won't be.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

War and other such nonsense...

Last night was such a fun night. We didn't do anything, but it was probably one of the best nights I've had in a while. We were invited out a number of different times, but decided it would be best if we just stayed in. So we bought some beer and played War. You know, the card game. It was so much fun. I won like 3 times in a row, then he cheated so he won, and the last game we didn't finish because Nunzio and Matte (no idea if I spelled either of those correctly) showed up and talked a bit with us. We went to bed early, at like 11. He's been staying with me the past couple of nights. One reason we didn't go out is because he wasn't actually booked into the hostel last night or the night before, but was just kind of sneaking up to my room and sleeping in my bed with me. That means he didn't have a security pass. Now, you're supposed to show your security pass before coming into the building at night, but it all kind of depends on who's working reception at the time. So I was afraid if we left, one of the security pass nazi's would be here when we got back and then he'd be screwed because the hostel was completely booked. So we just stayed in, had a frozen pizza and chicken filet baguette for dinner, and had a fucking blast. I loved it. If I could have a night like that every night I would. I don't ever need to go out.

We slept in this morning, not getting out of bed till like 11:30, and have just been hanging out since then. He just left to go get something for us to eat. I'm not sure what he's getting, but it'll be amazing I'm sure. He's a fantastic cook. Seriously. And everything he makes is always so healthy. He cooks with a lot of veggies and chicken. I've started developing a taste for some veggies, like green peppers, onions, etc that I hated before coming here, because he always cooks with them, and I'll be damned if I'm going to pass up food. Haha. I love when he cooks for me. There is nothing better than watching him whip up a meal. So hot.

Before leaving the states mom bought me two boxes of splenda. It is THE MOST important thing I brought from home. In coffee shops in the states they have Splenda, Sugar, Sweet 'n low, and Equal. Here, they have Sugar and Sweet 'n Low. That's it. And since Sachrin gives me migraines, and Sugar is filled with calories, I had to bring my own. Darko made coffee this morning and I brought down a handful of splenda packets. No one here knew what it was. I had to explain that it is artificial sweetener made from real sugar that is 10,000 times sweeter than sugar with zero calories. It was great. And on the back of all the splenda packets they had all these great sayings. I think my favorite one was "Happiness is measured in sprinkles and smiles". How sweet is that?

So, I'm actually using Daniel, my swedish friend's, computer because Darko is using mine. And since this computer is from Sweden it's slightly different from mine. First, all the comands are in Swedish. So if I don't recognize what it's asking me then I'm screwed. Also, the keyboard has everything in weird positions. Like the "?" is with the "+" and the quotation marks are on the "2" button, and all the numbers have TWO different symbols that you can get, but in order to get the second one you have to press ctrl+alt. Very strange. It took me forever to figure out how to put an "@" when logging in to everything. It's funny, in an earlier post I was talking about how the Swedish girls were using poor Daniel for his computer, and now I'm using it. But I actually like Daniel. I don't actually NEED to be using his computer, unlike the stupid Swedish girls. And I told him that if he needed it that he could go ahead and throw me off. I wouldn't mind.

We aren't doing anything right now, but surfing the web. I'm not sure if we are going to do anything later on. I hope not...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pictures, Coffee, and a rooftop Terrace...

It was an uneventful night here in Dublin. Darko and I played around with my camera. If these seem a bit grainy, it's because they are spliced from a video of the two of us. Also why I look a little timid. Not a fan of being filmed.
We woke up this morning and decided to head out into the city. Let me tell you, this is the life... A sunny afternoon in Dublin, having coffee on the rooftop terrace of Fitzimmons, with my Slovenian.

I have turned arms length picture taking into an art. Really.


To get the following pictures, Darko thought it would be a good idea to stand on a four foot flower pot and hang himself over the glass. Scared the shit out of me. Seriously. But look at that view.

He thinks he's so hard. Yeah, those are my glasses.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Creepy Africans, adorable Swedes, and Immigration.

So after Wednesday's debauchle at immigration I decided to wake up early and go wait outside the office before they opened. I arrived at 7:25, they open at 8, and there was already a line. No big. I had my newspaper, so I read while I waited. I was finished by 9, it was so much better than the day before. Therefore, I have successfully registered with Immigration. That means, now I am on the books, so come May if I don't have another Visa I will be kicked out of the country. Damnit. We're working on the Visa thing though. I mean, come on. I'm fucking American, why don't they want me here. They let Polish people in no questions asked, but an American who wants to stay and I have to jump through hoops. Stupid.

Also, I'm really irritated with stupid random disgusting people trying to talk to me. I was trying to watch friends yesterday and this gross African guy starts asking me questions and being really irritating. Like, could he not tell I was trying to watch a show. Apparently not. But he started to creep me out a bit when he said he wanted to take me to this place to get a job. I was like, um, Never, NEVER will i EVER go ANYWHERE WITH YOU!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! So I got up and went to make a phone call, or pretended to at least. Well it turns out this creepy guy is staying in my room like in the bed right next to mine. So this morning I was waking up and this guy started talking to me AGAIN. I tried being as rude as possible, like asking him to repeat everything he said, but he didn't get it, and then he was like "I can't find my phone, will you call me on yours to see if it rings". I said "No, I only have like two credits left" and he was like "no, no, I won't answer I just want to see if it rings". All I was thinking was crap, this guys gonna have my phone number. So I called it but he didn't have it with him. Hopefully he'll never find it. So I really wanted to take a shower, but the guy was creeping me out so bad that all I did was dress quickly, put my hair up with bobby pins, and leave. It was weird to not shower, but I did shower at like 7 last night, so I wasn't THAT dirty. I just wanted to get away from the creepy guy.

So last night Darko and I went to the Scary Rock club, except this time it wasn't as scary. Probably because I knew what to expect. We didn't stay long though because he has to work early in the morning. So we only had a few drinks. He had some Jack Daniels and I had some weird looking Rum. Like seriously, it was the color of Llegermeister (Spelling?). That's what I thought it was at first and he was like no, it's rum, so I smelled it and it was rum. So we drank a bit and then headed back to the hostel. It was funny though, because before we left this guy who he knows from the bar showed up and we started chatting. I think his name was Ralph, perhaps? Well, Ralph had actually visited the states before, so of course I was excited because I don't meet a lot of people who have actually been. So we chatted a bit, and had some good conversation. Who's read Angels and Demons? Anyone? Well if you have you know what the Illuminati Diamond is. Well this boy had the Illuminati Diamond tattooed on his forearm, and I was like "Oh, my god, that's the Illuminati Diamond" and I think he was excited that I knew what it was. So when he left Darko was like "So you enjoy his company" and I said "Aw, are you jealous, do you not like me talking to boys" and he was like "No", but with a smile on his face. It's good to know that he too is a bit jealous. It makes me feel not so retarded. So we left and went back to the hostel.

I slept with him in his room, because he said it makes him angry when I leave. I thought that was sweet. Let me tell you though, he is NOT a morning person AT ALL. Jess, think you, but as a Slovenian Male. Not only is it like pulling teeth to get him actually out of bed, but he does NOT appreciate my tactics for waking him up. First, I set my alarm, and when it goes off I hold it really close to his head until he grabs it from me to turn it off. Then I start to tickle and poke him. He tells me to stop. Then, I tell him that he has to be at work in less than half an hour/twenty minutes/ten minutes, and he usually tells me to shut up, but in an endearing fashion. Finally, after this goes on for an hour or so, he gets out of bed, gets dressed, and leaves after barely saying goodbye. It's hilarious. Now me, I am the COMPLETE opposite. I LOVE the mornings. No matter what time it is I am up usually with a smile on my face welcoming the day!!!! Give me my mornings or give me death!!

Today after I ran out of the hostel, I went to my recruitment agency to pick up my check. I decided that maybe I should actually start working again since it's been well over a week since the last time I worked. So, I think I'm going to work starting Monday for the week or so. I hate working. If I never had to work I'd be perfectly content. But as it is, my funds are running kind of low, so, I had to break down. I just hope that the work I do isn't nearly as bad as the last couple of places I worked. I guess it's money though. My paycheck today was for 120 Euro, and that was only for two days of work. So that's nice. That'll be food for the weekend.

I've been hanging out with these two Swedish guys, Daniel and Kaveh (not sure if I spelled that right or not). They are super sweet. I totally thought they were gay the first time I met them, but apparently they're just Swedish. So Kaveh is this tiny, tiny little man, who is outgoing and relatively attractive. Daniel this kind of awkward fellow, who's not quite as attractive, but who is funny when he trys. There is also this group of four Swedish girls who have also been hanging out with them. It kind of bothers me though, because I'm fairly certain that the only reason these girls hang out with Daniel is to use his computer. Seriously, like he will be sitting at a table not doing anything, and they won't be around him, but the second he pulls out his computer and they are all over him. Like this morning, he and I were talking, and he had his computer open for like two minutes before the swarmed over and took control. This happens all the time. And he'll say "I wish I could get on my computer" and I'm like "Um, go kick them off it" and he's like "No, I'm too nice". It's really irritating. I hate stupid girls like that. Darko and I were talking about it last night and he was like "You get along with Daniel, yeah" and I was like "Yeah, he's a cool guy" and Darko said "Do you think the Swedish girls like him" and I was like "Nope, they're just using him for his computer". Darko didn't think so, but I think he's a little naieve when it comes to stupid girls.

Darko was sick yesterday so he didn't go to work, but slept most of the day. I took a nice long nap as well. I'm not sure what I'm doing the rest of the day today. I guess we'll see.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today I felt like a Mexican...

Hola Amigos! Es un otro dia en Dublin! Mucha fria con un poco del sol! Estoy teniendo un mal dia, pero sera quiza un mas adelante mejor! That's right, I can speak spanish when I want to. So why today do I feel a connection with our southern brethren? Because I sat in the immigration office for 2 hours today before deciding to leave. You know how when you go to the DMV there are like 50 windows but only about 3 of them are taking customers, and when you finally get to the window they are so bitter you just want to smack them around for a bit? The immigration office is very much like this. I swear there were about twenty windows, and at one point only one of them was taking people. I walked in, got my number and sat down. My number was 109, they were on 48. After an hour or so when they had only reached 64, I decided to leave and go tomorrow morning right when they open. I felt like what the Mexicans must feel like when they are trying to deal with U.S. immigration. I'm tempted to not register and just be illegal. Haha. Then I really would be a fucking Mexican.

However, as I was walking down the street away from immigration, I was entirely unaware that I had left my wallet, to include my passport, work permit, return ticket home, money, debit card, and all other important documents on the seat beside me. You see, when registering with immigration it is important to have all this documentation, and thinking it would be easier to just keep it out so that I wouldn't have to go digging in my purse when my number was called, I put it on the seat and put my purse over it to keep anyone from taking it. So when I decided to storm out of the office I grabbed my purse, my scarf, and my jacket and left in a huff, leaving my beautiful red Vera Bradley travel wallet in the seet beside me. LUCKILY, there is this form that also needed to be filled out when registering with immigration. This form includes your name, address, phone number, etc. I wasn't even sure I had to fill it out, but did on a whim so I wouldn't have to do it once I got to the window. This form was also left on the seat beside me. A lovely woman named Margaret White called me and said "Is this Rebecca? You've left your passport and wallet here at Immigration." I would have gone ALL day without knowing it, but turned right around, walked back to Immigration and thanked Margaret profusely. I can't believe someone turned it in. I just can't tell you how good I feel when I know that there are those people in the world who go out of their way to help someone. It's happened so much more here than it ever did in the states.

Feeling like a retard I go to a coffee shop to try and cheer myself up. I was sitting there minding my own business, when this dude comes over and says "Can I sit down". I said to him "I'm about to leave so yeah you can sit here" and he said "Oh no, sit with me for a few minutes", and I, weirded out, because, well, who wouldn't be, said "No, really, I have to go." Then he said "Well, what's your name pretty girl". Ew. You're not cute, you probably think all girls are pretty. Thanks, I don't talk to ugly people, ever. Goodbye. I just laughed nervously, got up and left. I was so worried that he was going to follow me, so I went shopping instead of going back to the hostel. I don't THINK he followed me, but whatever.

Since the coffee didn't cheer me up, I did what every girl does to put a smile on her face. I went shopping. The body shop has their pink grapefruit scent out now so I bought some hand cream and lip balm (yeah, I think I'm going to try to use the balm and see whether my lips break out). Then I went to this great store called Penney's and bought a shirt, a cute pair of black flats to replace the ones I lost, a belt, a bra, and a purse for 25.50 Euro. That's $33. That's right. This place is so freaking awesome. I had some trouble in the bra area though. Regular sizes are not the same in Europe as they are in the states, so I wasn't sure what size I needed to get, and since my boobs are abnormally large, it was even harder. But I bought a cute black lacy number and tried it on when I got home and it fits beautifully. I shouldn't have spent money, but I felt a little better that I got so much for so little.

Then I headed back to the hostel because I wanted to do laundry. Apparently you can't do laundry till after 4 here. So that sucked. I need to do laundry before we go to Slovenia but I don't want to wait until the afternoon to do it.

Anyhoo... If I see one more guy walking down the street with a bouquet of roses, I'm going to vomit.

Love you all... Happy Vagina Day!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I am the epitome of the Green Eyed Monster...

Darko and I are planning our trip to Slovenia, yes. We are either going to leave on Saturday, or when I'd prefer, next Thursday. But, I have a bit of a problem. We all know I'm ridiculously jealous. I think I mentioned it in an earlier post. Well, Darko has a LOT of friends who are girls, and a LOT of them are ex girlfriends that he keeps in touch with. While in Ireland, that's not so much a problem. But when we go to Slovenia, he is going to see all these girls, and I am going to be there seeing him see all these girls. Now, I know he's not going to DO anything with them while I'm with him, but let me tell you, I'm slightly insecure. Aren't we all to some extent. Haha. We were sitting at the internet cafe across the street and Darko was just TALKING to one of these girls and I was seathing. I'm trying to just have fun and not worry about anything, but it's not really working. While he was talking to her I tried to act like I didn't care and that I know he's with me, blah blah blah, and I tried smiling and calming myself down, and it didn't work. Haha. I spent the whole time trying not to rip the mic from his hands and claim my territory. God, it's ridiculous. Shit. I've got issues. I'm just trying to laugh it all off now. Just have fun, right? It's going to be really hard when we actually get there. I really should just let him go on his own, do his thing with his people, and then let him come back to me. He picks up on it as well. When we got back to the hostel he said "You're going to be jealous, yes?" and I said "No, I'm not" as innocently as I could muster, but I'm fairly sure he didn't believe me.

Arguments, knee length pea coats, and shitty Ipods...

Early one crisp Dublin morning...
The bartending is going to have to be put on hold for a bit. Lionel, who was actually the one who was going to get me the job, and Darko had a bit of an argument last night. Apparently Darko told Lionel that he would have dinner waiting when Lionel got off work, but then we ended up falling asleep without making dinner and since we were asleep it took us a while to actually open the door for Lionel. All this coupled with the fact that Darko had just woken up and wasn't in the best mood apparently set Lionel off. He came storming into the room and got in Darko's face yelling that he needed to learn how to treat people and not use them. Darko was really quiet through the whole argument, but he was really mad. It was actually all a little scary. I think there are some underlying issues between Lionel and Darko that I don't understand because I'm still new to the whole situation, but something set Lionel off and it couldn't possibly be something so petty as not having dinner waiting. So, until they work out their issues, chances are Lionel's not going to be too keen on doing anything for me.

I've developed an obsession with Yop. It's yogurt, but it's slightly thinner than regular yogurt and it is in a bottle, so you can drink it. I love yogurt, but it's always so difficult to eat while on the move. You have to peel back the top, which sometimes results in it splattering all over you, then you have to have some sort of utensil to eat it with, and that's sometimes hard to come by. This Yop is amazing. Tastes just like yogurt, is filling, and all you have to do is twist off the cap and chug. I have one at least once a day. It's such a good breakfast for on the go people. And since there are like 45,677,900 Spars between my hostel and the LUAS line, there are that many opportunities to pick myself up a Yop on my way to work.

However, things don't open as early here as they do in the states. I was walking back to the hostel this morning (that's right, again I didn't sleep here. Waste of money, yes? Yeah, I know) and it was like 7 in the morning and none of the convenience stores were open yet. I mean come on. I guess since people usually don't start working till like 9, they don't feel the need to open early. But I was practically back in the city before I found some place where I could get my Yop. I was a little irriated. What about those people who have to be at work early. Darko, for example, leaves for work at 6:45. What if he wants some replenishment before heading to work. Nothing is open for him. I'm just used to the 7-11's that stay open 24 hours, and the Starbucks that open at 5, for those of us who go to work early.

Speaking of work. Did I mention I hate temping? Yeah, I think I did. I really don't want to work today. I wanted to work yesterday. And if I had worked yesterday, I would probably have been alright with working today. But if I don't start off the week working, I get lazy and don't want to work at all. Like, since I didn't work yesterday I really don't want to work for the rest of the week and want to just start next monday. It sucks, because I really should work. My funds are slipping, and if I want to do some traveling, I need some sort of income, yes? I think I may call the agency and just see if there is anything available for tomorrow and Thursday. Bleh. I'm just so damn lazy. Which is why I'm still living in the hostel. I'm too comfortable here at the moment to waste time roaming the city for another place to live. And I get free internet here.

Later that same day...
Also, I've decided that guys who wear knee length pea coats make me want to throw up. I'm not sure why, but I just think they are so ridiculous. Most of the boys who wear them are pretty boys. Maybe that's why I don't like it. The regular length pea coats, not so bad. But I think only girls should wear the knee length ones. Also, I hate people who don't move with the flow of people on the streets. Like, I understand tourists who are just meandering down the street, but seriously, if you're going to do that, don't walk directly in the middle of the sidewalk, move to one side so that those of us who have places to be don't have to press up against each other to get around you. And fuckers who stop in the middle of the sidewalk to talk to each other are the absolute worst. Get the fuck out of my way. Seriously. It took me entirely too long to run errands this morning because of stupid people like that.

One last thing... My Ipod is an enormous piece of flaming dog shit...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Temp agencies suck ass...

I hate being a temp. It's so annoying to have to wait for a call, and then when that call finally does come, having to rush to where ever they tell me too. I actually wanted to work this morning and I called on Friday to tell them that I was available. So I didn't actually get a call this morning. But let me tell you, I'm sure if there's a day when I don't want to work, my phone will be ringing off the hook. Son of a bitch.

Also, I got back to the hostel this morning (I didn't sleep here last night... ;-) ), and there was a French guy in my bed and all my stuff had been put on the floor. I was like "Why'd you move my stuff?" and in his stupid French accent he was like "I needed to sleep last night" and I said "Yeah, but this is my bed" and he was like "No it isn't" and I just laughed and was like "Whatever dude". And I lost one of my shoes... :-(. They were such cute shoes too. They were just simple black flats that went perfectly with this one pair of jeans that I have. I'm a little sad about it.

Speaking of shoes, I desperately need an appropriate pair of shoes. I have none. All of my shoes have holes in them, or are open in the back, or made out of canvas. None of which bode well in a country that has rain 345 days out of the year. I was wearing my pair of croc mules yesterday which are open in the back, but don't actually have holes in the front like some of them, and I stepped in a really not so deep puddle, and water rushed into the back of them soaking my feet. It was horrible. And then, of course, since the shoes are rubber and have gotten wet they start making this ridiculous sound which is a little embarrassing. But like, there really are no appropriate shoes that look cute. I'd have to wear galoshes or tennis shoes, and who the fuck wants to wear tennis shoes? Not me, that's for sure.

So yesterday I ended up going over to Darko's. I know I said I wouldn't but I just can't resist when he invites me over. Haha. But, I hate one of his friends. Like, I've hated this guy since the first time I met him. I'm not sure if I've posted about him, but he's this like 40 year old Irish dude, who is ALWAYS around. Most of the time I want to be like, Darko, please just come over here so I don't have to see him. I don't think I can describe how annoying and weird this guy really is. He thinks he knows everything about everything, seriously. Like yesterday he was trying to tell me that in order to be a Green Beret you have to go through the Marines. Now, Jess, we both know Don's a green beret, and we know he was never in the Marines. So this fucking idiot is arguing with ME about GREEN BERET'S!!!! He's not even American and he thinks he knows about the fucking American Army. It pissed me off royally. And he's always talking badly about the Catholic Church. Now, I completely disagree with almost everything the Catholic Church stands for, but Darko is Catholic, and so I don't talk badly about it when he's around. But his friend does. I think it's so totally disrespectful. What else is weird about him. He always makes up lies about his past, and we all know they're lies because he's constantly contradicting himself. And yesterday, I swear to god, he suggested that I start working in a Brothel. That's right. A whore house. I was complaining about wanting another job and he said that he was planning on starting up a brothel and I could be the receptionist. I couldn't believe it. I mean, at least he wasn't suggesting I become a prostitute, but really, close enough. At this point Darko was in the bathroom so he didn't hear any of it, but I was silently pleading with him to get out of the bathroom. I was so totally uncomfortable. I just stopped talking, and Darko finally came out, and we left.

When I told Darko what he had suggested I think it made him kind of angry, because at that point he started saying how annoying he thought the guy was, and I was like thank god. I thought you were really good friends with him so I didn't want to say anything. He said they were friends, but that he was incredibly sketchy, and he was getting tired of it. Thank god. Maybe we can cut ties with the guy fairly soon.

So, something else that bothered me yesterday. Darko and I are NOT posh people. I despise places that have a dress code, where I have to wait in line to get in, and it not even being definite that I'll get in until I'm scrutinized by the doormen. I HATE places like that. There are so many other places where you don't have to go through all that shit that are much more chill. So our friend Lionel started working at this cute bar called Rush, which, I think on a weekend would be one of those posh places that I avoid like the plague, but on a Sunday night we were the only one's there. So they closed at 10:30 and Darko and I went to find somewhere to have another pint. So we're walking down this street and we hear this music coming from what we assume is a night club of some sort. So of course there is a doorman who is supposed to scrutinize everyone who wants to come in and Darko goes up to him and says "What is the name of this place, is it possible to just go in for a pint" and the guy looks at him with this ridiculous smirk on his face and says "Where you from Mate". I thought to myself, why the fuck does it matter where he's from. I mean really? So Darko says "I'm from Slovenia, and she's from America" gesturing to me, and the guy looks at me and kind of smiles and is like "Hi". I think he just wanted to hear me talk to make sure I was American, so I was like "Hi" and he said "Yeah, you guys can come in, it's five Euro". Now I don't know what's worse. Waiting in line to get in, or having to pay an entrance fee. So I said "No, we don't need to pay five euro to go in" and turned around and walked away. As we were leaving I asked Darko what would have happened if he had said we were both Slovenian. Would the guy have let us in, or turned us away. It was very strange. I don't think it should bother me but it does. I'm sure I'm guilty of this as well, but snap judgements based on someone's accent pisses me off. Haha. Yeah, I'm a hypocrite.

So we ended up at this really cute pub that was very laid back. We talked a bit about family and friends, had some drinks, and waited for Lionel to get off work. It was very chill. It's the kind of night I really enjoy having. We actually went our separate ways, he was going home with Lionel and I was going back to the hostel because he had to work this morning, but about five minutes from the hostel he called me and said "Meet me in front of Trinity". So I did, and he came back. So we went to sleep and this morning I seriously had to like push him out of bed for him to actually make it to work. At one point he said "Maybe I should call in" and I said "absolutely not". So he left and I slept.

So, who thinks I should try my hand at Bar tending? The bar that Lionel works needs people and he asked if I would want to work there. I told him I had no experience at all, and he said "Neither do I". So he asked the bar person if they took on girl bar tenders and the guy was like "Sure". So, I don't know. It could be fun. People don't tip here, but you make like 11 euro an hour. Not too bad, yes? I haven't decided yet, but soon, I may be the newest bar tender at Rush.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Still hating technology...

Ok, a couple of things:

1. YAY FOR NATE READING MY BLOG!!!! Keep it up buddy, I miss your witty comments!!!!

2. Is anyone else having issues getting to my blog? I haven't been able to actually view it in a couple of days. I am able to post, obviously, but when I go to view it, it says the page cannot be found. Then, when I try to get to it by typing in my blog name in the address bar it also says I can't get to it? I also am having enormous problems getting to see anyone else's blogs. Jess, this is why I have yet to comment on any of your new things.

3. One of these days I will get a good picture of my boy. But I don't think he's ready to see the monster I become behind a camera. Most of you know how much I enjoy taking pictures regardless of the setting, and well, I'm pretty sure it may scare him a little... haha...
4. I'm still having issues with my ipod. Ever since it crashed yesterday it won't play a song the entire way through. It'll play about 3/4 of the song and then skip directly to the next song, and do it again. I don't know if it's serious enough to go get it looked at, but I may have to break down. I can't stand when things don't work correctly.
5. Last night was absolutely ridiculous. I left Darko's around 3 and came back to the hostel where I talked with Toni for a few hours online. Then Nunzio showed up and he and I talked. He invited me out to a party, and I thought about going and taking Darko, so I told Nunzio I was gonna wait to see what he wanted to do. This was around 8ish/9ish. So they left to go to their party, and I called Darko around 10 and he said he was tired and that he was going to go to sleep and said I should come over. I said no because I wasn't going to walk all the way over there just to go to sleep, and that I had a nice bed here with my name on it that didn't involve me having to take a 25 minute stroll through downtown Dublin at night. So he sai alright. So then, seriously, at like 12 he calls me and says, Hey I'm out with Lionel, come meet us. And I was still up at this point, so I was like, fine. So I head out and meet him outside the bar, in the rain, and he's says "Alright, let's go home" and I'm like are you fucking kidding me. He says "Oh, come on, we go hang out at home". So I said fine, but we had to get a taxi cause I wasn't walking all the way to his place in the rain. So we go to the street and are standing next to this couple who was also waiting for a taxi. So one pulls up and these two people are like "Come on, there's room for all of us, we'll share". Seriously, nice people just are amazing. So we jump in the cab and find out this couple is from Cork, here for the weekend of course. They were nice. So the taxi drops them off and then takes us to his place. We sit on the couch and start watching television, and he falls asleep. haha. That's right, my lap is just THAT comfy. So I try to get him up go to bed, and he's not having any of it. So I maneuver my way out from under him and leave. That's right. I walk back to the hostel, at 3:30 in the morning. It was ridiculous. But then, randomly, when I get back to the hostel Nunzio is standing on the street corner. I'm like "Dude, what are you doing here, this is totally random". He just laughed. We talked for a few minutes and then I went to bed. All in all fairly uneventful.
6. I don't like when people go to a foreign country and pick up the accent. I know it's sometimes inevitable, but still. I met these three American boys who have been here for about 7 months, and one of them had adopted a fairly heavy Scottish accent. I thought he just sounded ridiculous, but then I thought to myself, maybe he did just pick it up naturally. Maybe he's not really trying to be stupid. But still. I thought it was dumb. They were really nice though. I was talking to them when Darko called to tell me he was out.
So, today, there's a really important Rugby match on. It's the six nations rugby tournament. France, Italy, Scotland, England, Wales, and Ireland. Last week was the first match and we won. This weekend is the second match and then I think next weekend is the finals. It's gonna be crazy if Ireland wins. People say they aren't going to, but I have faith that they will. I think it starts in about an hour. Chances are I won't see Darko till after it's over. I'm not walking over to his place today, so if he wants to see me he better come into the city... :-)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Coffe grains and technology problems...

Skilled in Coffee grain reading...

Ah, I love dramaless days. Unless of course they are filled with things going wrong with your lifelines, ie. Ipod, Computer, Cell phone, etc. So after that ridiculous wednesday night, things settled down a bit. Thursday came and went. Oh, but actually, on Thursday we ended up at this really scary metal rock club. There I was with my low-rise fitted jeans and collared buttondown shirt, with my naturally colored hair, crocs, and a mini-trench jacket, in a room FULL of scary metal kids with their piercings, tattoos, dark clothes, red eye makeup, and dyed black hair. It was interesting to say the least. I didn't leave Darko's side for a MINUTE. No wait. I take that back. At one point he went to get drinks and I stood by myself. Man it was crazy. There were these two very large Icelandic viking type guys clad in biker clothes talking really loud in their weird language standing very close to me at the time. I was a little intimidated. But then Darko came back and I was fine. Honestly, I think I felt better there than I did at the Q bar down the street.

Oh, I forgot. Before we went to the scary bar Darko made us some Turkish coffee. Very strong coffee that you actually mix with hot water, not brewed with water, get it? So of course, after we finished the coffee there were still grains in the bottom of the cups, so he turns the cups over, waits for a little while, and then, I swear to god, reads our coffee grains, like asian people read tea leaves. He read our coffee grains. It was cool to watch him, but damn if he doesn't take it seriously. He was getting a little disturbed over what he was reading in the cups. It was incredibly interesting, and it turned me on a little. Haha.

So, we stayed the night at another B and B, and then Friday morning he called out sick from work. That's right. He wanted to spend time with me, I'm just THAT amazing.
Is it too soon for this?
So we sat in a coffee shop for a while reading the paper and having lunch, then we hung out at the hostel, doing research online and what not, and then went over to his place for dinner of chicken, potatoes and brocoli. Then we went out to this really cool rock pub that I really enjoyed. It was really loud though, and so we didn't stay long. Then we went to bed, woke up this morning, had lunch, watched some television, and then I left to come back to the center, because I had some stuff I needed to do. We're gonna hang out later tonight I'm sure. I'm not really in the mood to go out, so maybe we'll just stay here and watch a movie or something.

So, now to the scary news. Yesterday while we were perusing the internet, I spilled diet coke ALL OVER my computer. Now, I've done this before with Lemonaide and have had to get my computer fixed for $600. So I was pissed. But my quick reaction time allowed me to unplug it and turn it off as fast as possible. So I let it dry out a bit over night, but was still worried about whether or not the sugary substance in diet coke would hurt it. I turned it on today, obviously, and it seems to be working fine, but I'm not sure what kind of internal damage was done. Hopefully none that will come up and bite me in the ass later on. That would suck. Also, I was having serious issues with my ipod today. Like it just stopped working and then wouldn't let me restart it. Pissed me off. I seriously thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. It finally fixed itself, but I was still irritated.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Raise your hand if you hate being an emotional human being ::Raises both hands and starts waving emphatically::

So last night pretty much sucked. In general I'm a really emotional person anyway. Like, I cry during the new tissue commercials where the people are sitting on the couch talking about their problems. Seriously, really sad. So then, when I get drunk, that emotional crap that I have to deal with when sober increases by like a thousand. Haha. IT SUCKS!!!!!

The night started off fairly well. Darko came over to the hostel and we were playing with my camera and computer and what not, and I was looking forward to a nice quiet uneventful evening, because apparently I'm an old woman. So we were sitting there and Max, one of the French guys came up and asked if we wanted to go get a drink. That sounded nice. We were going to go for just one and then come back to the hostel. So, Max, Darko and myself walked to this pub in Temple Bar and had a couple of drinks. I started to get a little tipsy, as did Darko. Everything up to that point was really good, fine and dandy, and everything in between. So then we left and I was thinking we were going back to the hostel, but we didn't. We went to another pub. See, there was a France/Wales Soccer game on that Max was going to watch with people, so we were just keeping him company until he met up with friends. So we go to this other pub and Darko all of a sudden starts again talking about some really serious stuff. And I'm thinking, what the hell, where did this all come from, and why are we talking about it at a pub, while drunk, with Max. And of course, since I was drunk at this point I was getting really pissed and sad and all that shit that happens when you're emotions are completely out of wack.

And then it gets worse. Do you all remember that fucking slut who I mentioned in an earlier post. Well, she's friends with Max so he invited her over to the Pub. GODDAMNIT. With her stupid short skirt and stiletto boots, I wanted to seriously rip her goddamn bag out of her hand and beat her to a bloody pulp with it. But of course I didn't, and just put a smile on my face. Then Darko decided to bring her into the conversation. Haha. Great. He wasn't going into details much, but still. I would just like to pause here for a second and make it known that it was obviously apparent that Darko and I were "together". As the conversation wore on I could see this girl started to be not as happy as she was when she first came into the bar, and I wasn't entirely sure why. So we got up to leave and Darko says to me "That French girl likes me". And then it all started to make sense. She wanted to fuck him and realized she couldn't with me there. So we're walking to the place where they're going to watch the match, and Darko and I are still talking seriously, and I'm getting more and more pissed and worried, and all I really want to do is go back to the hostel.

So we end up at this bar that is packed and we're on the first floor and start to make our way to the second floor. The entire time I'm getting this ridiculous cold shoulder from Ms. Frenchie, and I just want to fucking laugh. Well somehow, me and this cunt end up on the second floor and Max and Darko have dissapeared. I thought they were right behind me, but they weren't, and the second floor was even worse than the first floor in terms of people. So then I turn around and the fucking bitch is gone as well, making her way through the crowd to where I presume her french friends are. So I'm like, what the fuck, and start to follow her. So picture me, holding a full Bulmers, with my giant purse on my hip, trying to inch through people pressed together so tightly, it's like an all male orgy. I get about half way through the crowd and realize I have NO IDEA where I need to be going because I've completely lost sight of anyone I was familiar with. So, Katie + Large Unfamiliar Crowds= starting to Panic, and so I stopped a minute took a deep breath, turned around and started inching my way back to where there weren't THAT many people, on the way striking up some conversation with the people who's faces are an inch from mine. I've decided that the best way to avoid having a nervous breakdown in large crowds is to just start talking to the closest person to you. It helps.

So I make my way back to not so crowded bar area and call Darko. He's like "Where are you" and I'm like "I'm on the second floor" and he asked me if I was alone, and I said "Yes", thinking because that fucking french cunt ditched me, but I didn't say that. So he said "Ok, meet me at the door, we'll leave".


I made my way to the door, he quickly followed and we headed out into the cold night. I was excited at this point because I thought we'd hang out for a while at the hostel. But no. Before going back to the hostel he mentioned that we should get another B and B room, and I told him no because he had to get up at 6 to go to work. If we were going to spend the money for a hotel it was going to be on a morning when we can sleep in, damnit. We ended up at the hostel. He told me to see if there was a double room available, but of course there wasn't. It's really frustrating when you can't find any place to stay the night together. I felt like we were fifteen trying to find some random place to have sex without our parents finding out, but really, we just wanted to be able to sleep and talk in the same room by ourselves for once.

So, he realizes that he has to go back to the pub, and I'm thinking "You are not serious", but he was. I was like shit. Now, I am an incredibly jealous person by nature. I'm not happy to admit that and I try not to let it get in the way of things. So I didn't say anything because I don't think we're at that stage yet, when I can say "Um, I don't want you going back to the pub where there's a hot French girl who wants to fuck you". Haha. So I let it go. But at that point I had gotten so pissed and worried, and then he decided to leave. So, he left and went back to the pub, but actually didn't stay long at all. I really didn't have anything to be worried about, honestly. I get myself so worked up over the stupidest things. He came back to the hostel just to say goodbye, and we went our separate ways.

So, all in all, it was a very emotionally draining night, but I don't think for any particular reason. I just think my stupid emotional crap was working on overload. I was feeling insecure, and that is the WORST way to feel when not three hours before you were feeling cozy and content. I've got to get this under control. The problem is, that once I get worried or pissed or emotional, I find it VERY hard to let it go. Even if the situation has corrected itself, I can not calm myself down. I let things bother me way too much and get worked up for nothing, and then can't say to myself "Ok, that's enough, let's calm down". I seriously think it's a problem. And a problem that needs fixing...


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A little irritated... but seriously... What else is new?

Alright ladies... Who's ready to see some pictures?

This is my Slovenian... Beautiful...

Another uneventful day in the neighborhood...

Nothing much has happened in the past few days. I had to work, and it was horrible. Seriously for the past two days the only thing I've done is filed. Enormous stacks of paper needed to be sorted and then filed into huge filing cabinets. It was so boring. I can't even tell you. And then yesterday they put me on the phones at the reception desk, and I was like "Are you kidding me". I seriously had like a minutes worth of training before I was thrown in. People would call and ask for someone, and I'd be like, "Who?" and they'd say it again and then I would tell them to spell it. I seriously hung up on like four people. It was ridiculous. I was so pissed. Luckily that only lasted two days. I think they wanted me to come in until all the filing was done, but I said "Well, the agency told me it was only for two days, and I've already made a commitment for the rest of the week", and peaced out. If I get a call today I'll work, but I'm hoping not to. I kind of have a lot to do, you know, like catch up on my blogging. Also, you know how in cities you see people running to catch the public transporatation. Well I used to always point and laugh at those people, and think that I would never do it. I ran for the LUAS yesterday. I was coming out of the office building which is right across the street from the stop and it was just pulling in, and I really didn't want to wait for the next one, and the doors only stay open for like a minute, so I booked it, almost getting hit by a bus in the process, and swung in as the doors were closing. It was brilliant. I've become one of those people. Haha.

Of course, I've been spending time with my Slovenian. Monday when I got off work I called him and he said that he was tired and was just going to go to bed and that he'd talk to me in the morning. I said "Alright", but was still a little disappointed. A couple of hours later I sent him a text that said "Want to make out a bit?". He did end up coming back into the city for a few hours. I found out later he didn't know what "Make out" was so when he asked a friend of his the friend told him it was sex, thus his journey into the city. We didn't actually make out. We perused the internet for most of the time. He read my blog, talked to Maura and Jessi, etc. It was all innocent fun. Then he left and I went to bed.

After work yesterday I headed over to his place. There is nothing better than seeing friendly faces after a hard day at work. Before I left my hostel I called Darko and said to have dinner waiting for me. Lionel, Mr. South Africa, made dinner of spicy chicken and rice, and it was amazing. We watched television for a while, and then Darko and I talked for a bit. It was a fairly serious talk. Like one that you usually don't have until well into a relationship, and I wasn't entirely sure if it was too soon for us to be having it. We got interuppted and I was worried for the rest of the night. When we were finally alone again I asked him if it was too soon to have had that serious of a talk, and if he was going to get creeped out and not call me in the morning. He said no, that he was alright with the way things were going. So that's a little reassuring. My damn abandoment issues are showing their ugly heads as always. I should just learn to take things in stride. Like I said, I'm trying not to make a big deal out of everything. I hope he calls me tonight. haha. yeah...

So today, if I don't work I need to go register with the Garda and immigration, work on my tax stuff, and do some stuff on the web.

Monday, February 5, 2007

I know, I know... I've been off the map for a while...

I know it's been a while, like all weekend long, since I've blogged. But honestly. I've been back to my hostel for only like 3 hours from about Friday at 9 till like this morning at 7, so that is why I haven't had a chance to blog.

So, I'm trying not to make a big deal out of this, because, well, let's face it. I tend to make huge deals out of stupid things, and then just look retarded when things don't work out the way I planned it. Now, I'm sure Maura is thinking, "yeah right, after the message that I recieved Saturday night, not a big deal my ass". Haha. So, perhaps I made a big deal out of it then, but I was intoxicated, and therefore, not in control of my actions. Haha.

Let's just say I've been spending some time with Darko, Mr. Slovenia, and I like him. He invited me out on Friday night, and we were pretty much inseparable the rest of the weekend. Let's see, Darko, he seems like your typical Eastern European. Dark hair, dark eyes, heavy accent, abrubt and straitforward mannerisms, skinny. So completely different from most American guys, you can't help but be a little drawn to him. He's 26, plays Tennis, is into photography, has one sister, and his favorite music is Phantom of the Opera. He cooks, he likes to tell jokes, likes to peruse the internet, he has three different degrees, speaks three languages, and has no qualms about telling you what's on his mind, seriously, about anything. He loves his country and most of the other Eastern European countries, and apparently for fun he likes to fight. He's going to Slovenia for a week on the 17th and invited me to go with him.

Now, should I kiss and tell?

Saturday was a good day. After he cooked breakfast we walked around the city in the morning, sat at a coffee shop reading the newspaper and drinking coffee, went into this store called Arnott's where we had fun testing out the couches (not in a dirty way. Just sitting and feeling. Honestly people, get your minds out of the gutter!). We walked back to my hostel, made some lunch, and watched television for a while. Afterwards we walked up to Grafton street because he had a building to show me. The building was closed so as we were walking away we passed a Cathedral, and went in. That's right people. Only one major flaw. Catholic, and incredibly spiritual. Talk about being a tiny bit uncomfortable with the Virgin Mary staring you down and Jesus up on the crucifix. We only stayed a minute, thank Jesus, and walked around doing some window shopping. We went into my favourite store Monsoon and I left disapointed because I can't afford to buy like anything in that damn store. We had dinner at a really nice Chinese Restaurant, and he ordered everything for the both of us. From dinner we headed to a pub, that was so unbelievably crowded. You all know how much I despise large crowds of people, but he wanted to stay. There was a live band playing which was nice and we were on the top floor. Neither one of us thought we would get a seat, because there was roughly a million people in the bar, so we stood around listening to the music and this really nice couple looked up at us and said "Hey, guys we're leaving, would you like our seats, these girls behind us have been eyeing them, but I know you two were here firts". This made my night. Nice people, who make an effort to help others, is what I live for. We were both so grateful to them, all I could say was "Oh my god, that was so nice, thank you so much". We had planned on having only one drink, but since we were able to sit down, we didn't want to waste the seats, and had a few more. At that point he told me the only thing he didn't like about me was that I drink Bulmers. We left the pub around one, and since we were staying in separate hostels, and apparently he wasn't ready to be separated from me, we booked a room in a bed and breakfast. It was so nice. It really made me never want to go back to the hostel. The shower was amazing. It was the first proper shower I'd had since being here. Also, included in the stay was a traditional Irish breakfast, which I didn't eat most of because it's really not good for you. But I still thought it was cool. We left the B&B around 11, tried to go back to the building on Grafton Street, but it didn't open until 12, so we went back into the Cathedral. Haha. That's right, back into the Cathedral to pay our respects to the Lord. I really shouldn't be mocking his faith, but come on. You all know me. Luckily, we didn't delve too deeply into my religious views. Maybe it'll never come up again. So we hung out on Grafton street for a while, and then went to the grocery store to buy food for lunch. He made us lunch of pasta and steak, and then we watched the Rugby game with Lionel (the south african) and Dee-dee, his girlfriend, who, I really liked. It would be nice to have a girl friend here, since I've been hanging out with mostly boys for the past two weeks. But we'll see. After the Rugby game, Ireland won by the way, we had dinner of eggs, beans, and this disgusting crap they eat here called black pudding, which is a kind of sausage with rice in it. Every time we eat, Darko tries piling food on my plate, and he made me try the black pudding. It was disgusting. I wasn't wrong. He had to finish it for me. We continued to watch television. We watched scrubs, because Dee Dee loves Scrubs. Jessi, it was the one with David Frazer as Dr. Cox brother, and it turns out he's dead. You're right. Sad. Seriously had to hold back tears, and friends. Friends was the one with Ben Stiller as Rachel's angry boyfriend, and only Ross knows but no one will believe him. I felt a little bad for Darko while watching this because he didn't really understand what was funny about it. We were all laughing and he said "Why is that funny". Then we watched some south park, which I found to be hysterical. He had to work early this morning, so we went to bed fairly early. I didn't sleep well, however, because one of the boys in the apartment snores like a rhino and could be heard through the entire place. This morning we woke up, rode the bus into the city (I really do prefer walking) and went our separate ways.

That was my weekend, in not quite a nutshell. It was a good weekend. It's almost like a weekend I would have back home. Friends, food, sports, bars. It was nice not feeling like a lepper like I have been recently. But like I said, I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it. Whatever happens, happens, and at least I had a good weekend. That's not to say I wouldn't mind a repeat. I like him, and I like having people to hang out with on a regular basis.

I'll keep you posted... :-)

Friday, February 2, 2007

Old Man River, he just keeps rolling along!!!!!!!!!

Last night was fairly uneventful. I watched the second season season finale of Grey's Anatomy, that I hadn't seen yet, and it was so good. And then I got on my computer for a while. Then Darko, Mr. Slovenia, came back to the hostel and we talked for a while. Very cool guy. Really into photography and Tennis. I mean how much cooler can you get? Then I went to bed.

Since I don't have much to talk about, I'm going to rant a bit. I hate slutty girls. Like seriously. Those stupid girls who are all like "I just get along better with boys. I don't have like any friends who are girls, because we don't mesh". WRONG. The only reason you get along better with boys is because you're fucking them all, and the only reason you don't mesh with girls is because WE ALL KNOW YOU'RE A SKANK!! I mean, do they think people don' t KNOW. Do they actually think that everyone around them ISN'T talking about how they've slept with seventy five percent of the people in the room. Girls like that set us back like 50 years. It's such a diservice to women in general. And what about the boys who actually sleep with girls like that. I mean, why do they do it. For bragging rights? It's nothing to brag about when you're number 56 out of who knows how many. Everyone else is bragging about it as well. It pisses me off so badly. There was this stupid girl here at the hostel last night who was the epitome of a whore. It was unbelievable to watch her make her rounds, and it was even more unbelievable that everyone seemed to love her. All I wanted to do was laugh, and then push her down the stairs. I guess it's easy to be loved when you put out.

Not much of rant. But I got tired of it. So, today I have to go try and get my PPS number, again. Then I think I'm going to head over to Trinity and visit the library and the book of kells. I should do that now since I'm being over-run by French people. Seriously.

It's another Friday night. Who wants to guess what I'll probably be doing. Haha. That's right, I'll be on the web pretending to look for apartments, but really just writing my blogs and talking to my friends.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Yup, that sounds about right...

I feel like I'm dying. That's right, I drank a bit too much last night. That Bulmers, man, that'll do it. So after sitting around for hours and hours waiting for the boys to finish playing poker, we finally head out to that ridiculous American Bar down the street, the Q Bar. You know, the one that I went to earlier in the week. Horrible place really, but I can't really be choosy. So, to begin with it was me, five French people, and a Belgian. That's right, a Belgian. But this guy was really nice and nothing like the ones who caused such scandal on Saturday night. So we get into the Bar, and I'm like crap, this place is ridiculous. But everyone seems to be really enjoying themselves. I think the bar is a kind of place that you just have to have a positive attitude about to enjoy it. So I did. I ordered a Bulmers from this really attractive Bar tender and asked him if it was ok to tip. He said "Yeah, absolutely, we like getting tips, and it doesn't happen very often". So, we all know how much I love tipping hot bar tenders, I told him he was hot and then walked to the table. Thus began my evening. The first of many Bulmers went down smoothly and the following, I don't even remember how many, went down just as nicely. So, Tony, mmmm, was the only one who seemed like he wanted to dance, so he left, and the rest of us were just sitting there, and I mentioned that we should all get up and dance, and they just looked at me and said, maybe later. I was like, fine, be that way. I just kept drinking while they all spoke to each other in French. Occasionaly, Alex, the Belgian, would fill me in on what was being said, but that didn't happen nearly enough. I eventually got up and walked around a bit, perused the dance floor, etc. Drank a bit more. Tried talking with some people. But let me tell you, it's hard enough to understand any sort of accent in a completely quiet room. When someone has to yell to be heard, that makes it even harder. Eventually Tony and I headed to the dance floor, but that didn't work out as well as I had planned, I got irritated, and walked further onto the floor. There was this somewhat attractive guy dancing. We caught eyes and started dancing, we exchanged names and what not, and it turns out he's a little creepy Italian guy. All I wanted to do was dance, not be felt up, so I quickly left that situation and headed back to the bar. The bartender was funny. When I gave him another tip he was like "Are you lonely, or something", and I was like "No, you can just speak english better than anyone I'm here with". He was busy though, so it's not like I could stand there the whole night talking with him". So I headed back to the table and eventually Nunzio and second hottest French guy show up, so I chat with them a bit, and come to find out that Nunzio has been keeping up with my blog. That's a little embarrassing. Haha. I NEVER thought someone I would meet here would be reading it. Damn. So we talked for a little while longer, I kept drinking, and then I headed back to the table. Since I had some alcohol in me, I wanted to dance a bit. I'm not sure how it happened, but I ended up on the dance floor with Max, one of the French. I think we were talking to begin with and then I mentioned dancing, so we danced. That seems about right. It was late at this point. Like probably around 2. The Bar had already been closed down, but they let people stay and dance for a while. So Max and I head to the floor, and all our people were still at the table. So we dance for a while, and it was really fun. No groping or anything disgusting just dancing. They were playing a lot of remixed old stuff, like Michael Jackson and Madonna, so it was fun. I decided I was ready to go, so I grab Max, and we head back to the table, which has been deserted. That's right, apparently everyone got tired and left without letting the two of us know. I'm sure glad I wasn't on the dance floor by myself when they left. I would have been pissed. So Max and I are getting ready to leave and I look over at the table beside us and these two guys are sitting there, and one of them looks at me, and I swear to god, he does the "Eating at the Y" at me. I couldn't believe it. How did he know that Max wasn't my boyfriend or something. I thought it was incredibly rude. So of course, being in the state I was in I walked over and was like "Dude, what are you doing". And he was like "I just caught your eye and thought you were attractive" and I said "Well, where were you three hours ago when I didn't have any one to talk to" and he was like "I just saw you" and I was like "Sorry, dude, it's too late, I'm going home" and he was like "No, with that guy?" and I said "Of course". So I grabbed Max's hand and we walked out. On the way home I was like "Thanks for staying with me, I can't believe everyone left without telling us" and he said "It's no problem". So we get back to the hostel and all of our people are sitting in the doorway smoking cigs. So a few of us head upstairs and smoke a bit on the roof, after which I bid the boys adieu and passed out.

Now, I woke up this morning with a really bad headache and hang over, completely stripped down. Because, see, when I'm at home, and I get really drunk, I usually go down to my room strip and just pass out in the bed. Apparently I mistook the hostel for home in my drunken stupor. Haha. All I can hope is that I did this long after the lights were turned off and everyone had gone to sleep. Because I don't actually remember doing it. I also, pray to the lord Jesus, that I didn't get up and walk around at all last night. Haha. Yeah, that sounds about right. That's the story of my life.

So today I tried to go and get my PPS number. Apparently, however, I have to jump through hoops to do so, because I have to go back tomorrow to actually fill out the paperwork. I asked the guy if it was vital that I have a PPS number and he said that unless I want to pay 40% income taxes then I need the number for tax purposes. So I guess I'll do that tomorrow.

P.S. There's a really cute maintenance worker here at the hostel.