Friday, February 16, 2007

Creepy Africans, adorable Swedes, and Immigration.

So after Wednesday's debauchle at immigration I decided to wake up early and go wait outside the office before they opened. I arrived at 7:25, they open at 8, and there was already a line. No big. I had my newspaper, so I read while I waited. I was finished by 9, it was so much better than the day before. Therefore, I have successfully registered with Immigration. That means, now I am on the books, so come May if I don't have another Visa I will be kicked out of the country. Damnit. We're working on the Visa thing though. I mean, come on. I'm fucking American, why don't they want me here. They let Polish people in no questions asked, but an American who wants to stay and I have to jump through hoops. Stupid.

Also, I'm really irritated with stupid random disgusting people trying to talk to me. I was trying to watch friends yesterday and this gross African guy starts asking me questions and being really irritating. Like, could he not tell I was trying to watch a show. Apparently not. But he started to creep me out a bit when he said he wanted to take me to this place to get a job. I was like, um, Never, NEVER will i EVER go ANYWHERE WITH YOU!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! So I got up and went to make a phone call, or pretended to at least. Well it turns out this creepy guy is staying in my room like in the bed right next to mine. So this morning I was waking up and this guy started talking to me AGAIN. I tried being as rude as possible, like asking him to repeat everything he said, but he didn't get it, and then he was like "I can't find my phone, will you call me on yours to see if it rings". I said "No, I only have like two credits left" and he was like "no, no, I won't answer I just want to see if it rings". All I was thinking was crap, this guys gonna have my phone number. So I called it but he didn't have it with him. Hopefully he'll never find it. So I really wanted to take a shower, but the guy was creeping me out so bad that all I did was dress quickly, put my hair up with bobby pins, and leave. It was weird to not shower, but I did shower at like 7 last night, so I wasn't THAT dirty. I just wanted to get away from the creepy guy.

So last night Darko and I went to the Scary Rock club, except this time it wasn't as scary. Probably because I knew what to expect. We didn't stay long though because he has to work early in the morning. So we only had a few drinks. He had some Jack Daniels and I had some weird looking Rum. Like seriously, it was the color of Llegermeister (Spelling?). That's what I thought it was at first and he was like no, it's rum, so I smelled it and it was rum. So we drank a bit and then headed back to the hostel. It was funny though, because before we left this guy who he knows from the bar showed up and we started chatting. I think his name was Ralph, perhaps? Well, Ralph had actually visited the states before, so of course I was excited because I don't meet a lot of people who have actually been. So we chatted a bit, and had some good conversation. Who's read Angels and Demons? Anyone? Well if you have you know what the Illuminati Diamond is. Well this boy had the Illuminati Diamond tattooed on his forearm, and I was like "Oh, my god, that's the Illuminati Diamond" and I think he was excited that I knew what it was. So when he left Darko was like "So you enjoy his company" and I said "Aw, are you jealous, do you not like me talking to boys" and he was like "No", but with a smile on his face. It's good to know that he too is a bit jealous. It makes me feel not so retarded. So we left and went back to the hostel.

I slept with him in his room, because he said it makes him angry when I leave. I thought that was sweet. Let me tell you though, he is NOT a morning person AT ALL. Jess, think you, but as a Slovenian Male. Not only is it like pulling teeth to get him actually out of bed, but he does NOT appreciate my tactics for waking him up. First, I set my alarm, and when it goes off I hold it really close to his head until he grabs it from me to turn it off. Then I start to tickle and poke him. He tells me to stop. Then, I tell him that he has to be at work in less than half an hour/twenty minutes/ten minutes, and he usually tells me to shut up, but in an endearing fashion. Finally, after this goes on for an hour or so, he gets out of bed, gets dressed, and leaves after barely saying goodbye. It's hilarious. Now me, I am the COMPLETE opposite. I LOVE the mornings. No matter what time it is I am up usually with a smile on my face welcoming the day!!!! Give me my mornings or give me death!!

Today after I ran out of the hostel, I went to my recruitment agency to pick up my check. I decided that maybe I should actually start working again since it's been well over a week since the last time I worked. So, I think I'm going to work starting Monday for the week or so. I hate working. If I never had to work I'd be perfectly content. But as it is, my funds are running kind of low, so, I had to break down. I just hope that the work I do isn't nearly as bad as the last couple of places I worked. I guess it's money though. My paycheck today was for 120 Euro, and that was only for two days of work. So that's nice. That'll be food for the weekend.

I've been hanging out with these two Swedish guys, Daniel and Kaveh (not sure if I spelled that right or not). They are super sweet. I totally thought they were gay the first time I met them, but apparently they're just Swedish. So Kaveh is this tiny, tiny little man, who is outgoing and relatively attractive. Daniel this kind of awkward fellow, who's not quite as attractive, but who is funny when he trys. There is also this group of four Swedish girls who have also been hanging out with them. It kind of bothers me though, because I'm fairly certain that the only reason these girls hang out with Daniel is to use his computer. Seriously, like he will be sitting at a table not doing anything, and they won't be around him, but the second he pulls out his computer and they are all over him. Like this morning, he and I were talking, and he had his computer open for like two minutes before the swarmed over and took control. This happens all the time. And he'll say "I wish I could get on my computer" and I'm like "Um, go kick them off it" and he's like "No, I'm too nice". It's really irritating. I hate stupid girls like that. Darko and I were talking about it last night and he was like "You get along with Daniel, yeah" and I was like "Yeah, he's a cool guy" and Darko said "Do you think the Swedish girls like him" and I was like "Nope, they're just using him for his computer". Darko didn't think so, but I think he's a little naieve when it comes to stupid girls.

Darko was sick yesterday so he didn't go to work, but slept most of the day. I took a nice long nap as well. I'm not sure what I'm doing the rest of the day today. I guess we'll see.


Anonymous said...

Have fun in Slovenia (right?) yea well..i'm leaving for vegas.. on whole week with out you to talk have fun!!! and try to keep away from creepy people seems somehow you are attracting them hahah:)

love toni

Unknown said...

1) Jagermeister is spelled with a J
2) It's funny that you get to wake up with a Foreign Male version of me. It makes me giggle.
3) Um, yeah about those wake-up tactics. I wouldn't bother turning your phone off. It would probably go off by itself after I was done beating you to a bloody pulp with it.
4) So he doesn't get pissy when poked? Dude, you poke me---prepare to lose that poking finger. I'll bite that fucker off.

Glad you enjoyed your nap. Dude, get a job.

Anonymous said...

that is sooooooooo sweet that he said he hates when you leave. so cute.

i hate you in all your morning chirpyness (sp? thats probably not word)