Friday, February 2, 2007

Old Man River, he just keeps rolling along!!!!!!!!!

Last night was fairly uneventful. I watched the second season season finale of Grey's Anatomy, that I hadn't seen yet, and it was so good. And then I got on my computer for a while. Then Darko, Mr. Slovenia, came back to the hostel and we talked for a while. Very cool guy. Really into photography and Tennis. I mean how much cooler can you get? Then I went to bed.

Since I don't have much to talk about, I'm going to rant a bit. I hate slutty girls. Like seriously. Those stupid girls who are all like "I just get along better with boys. I don't have like any friends who are girls, because we don't mesh". WRONG. The only reason you get along better with boys is because you're fucking them all, and the only reason you don't mesh with girls is because WE ALL KNOW YOU'RE A SKANK!! I mean, do they think people don' t KNOW. Do they actually think that everyone around them ISN'T talking about how they've slept with seventy five percent of the people in the room. Girls like that set us back like 50 years. It's such a diservice to women in general. And what about the boys who actually sleep with girls like that. I mean, why do they do it. For bragging rights? It's nothing to brag about when you're number 56 out of who knows how many. Everyone else is bragging about it as well. It pisses me off so badly. There was this stupid girl here at the hostel last night who was the epitome of a whore. It was unbelievable to watch her make her rounds, and it was even more unbelievable that everyone seemed to love her. All I wanted to do was laugh, and then push her down the stairs. I guess it's easy to be loved when you put out.

Not much of rant. But I got tired of it. So, today I have to go try and get my PPS number, again. Then I think I'm going to head over to Trinity and visit the library and the book of kells. I should do that now since I'm being over-run by French people. Seriously.

It's another Friday night. Who wants to guess what I'll probably be doing. Haha. That's right, I'll be on the web pretending to look for apartments, but really just writing my blogs and talking to my friends.


Anonymous said...

Well, those kind of girls are nothing like you. Guys should be sucking up to you because you are so terrific and smart and pretty and stuff.
But I guess I'm biased.
I love you.

Anonymous said...

that was the sweetest comment..ur mom rocks

and while you are at Trinity just ask around about jobs, you seriously have no idea what kind of opens they might have. be a librarian assistant or something like that!!

it's friday and i have been at work since 6am and have had class till 8pm and then tomorrow i have class at 9am all yeah i have no life and ill be on the computer you

Anonymous said...

Your mom is cool. My mom doesn't read my blogs... but perhaps that is a good thing!!!

I hate whore mongers too, Katie. BUT it's the longest-running profession in the world so I don't see sluts simmering down any time soon. :( Most women who join the Army are whores in camo, millions of guys, handful of girls. You get the picture.

Guys are LAZY as Hell so that is why they honey fuggle (that is a Joy West word) with dem hozzz, so easy they are.