Sunday, February 18, 2007

War and other such nonsense...

Last night was such a fun night. We didn't do anything, but it was probably one of the best nights I've had in a while. We were invited out a number of different times, but decided it would be best if we just stayed in. So we bought some beer and played War. You know, the card game. It was so much fun. I won like 3 times in a row, then he cheated so he won, and the last game we didn't finish because Nunzio and Matte (no idea if I spelled either of those correctly) showed up and talked a bit with us. We went to bed early, at like 11. He's been staying with me the past couple of nights. One reason we didn't go out is because he wasn't actually booked into the hostel last night or the night before, but was just kind of sneaking up to my room and sleeping in my bed with me. That means he didn't have a security pass. Now, you're supposed to show your security pass before coming into the building at night, but it all kind of depends on who's working reception at the time. So I was afraid if we left, one of the security pass nazi's would be here when we got back and then he'd be screwed because the hostel was completely booked. So we just stayed in, had a frozen pizza and chicken filet baguette for dinner, and had a fucking blast. I loved it. If I could have a night like that every night I would. I don't ever need to go out.

We slept in this morning, not getting out of bed till like 11:30, and have just been hanging out since then. He just left to go get something for us to eat. I'm not sure what he's getting, but it'll be amazing I'm sure. He's a fantastic cook. Seriously. And everything he makes is always so healthy. He cooks with a lot of veggies and chicken. I've started developing a taste for some veggies, like green peppers, onions, etc that I hated before coming here, because he always cooks with them, and I'll be damned if I'm going to pass up food. Haha. I love when he cooks for me. There is nothing better than watching him whip up a meal. So hot.

Before leaving the states mom bought me two boxes of splenda. It is THE MOST important thing I brought from home. In coffee shops in the states they have Splenda, Sugar, Sweet 'n low, and Equal. Here, they have Sugar and Sweet 'n Low. That's it. And since Sachrin gives me migraines, and Sugar is filled with calories, I had to bring my own. Darko made coffee this morning and I brought down a handful of splenda packets. No one here knew what it was. I had to explain that it is artificial sweetener made from real sugar that is 10,000 times sweeter than sugar with zero calories. It was great. And on the back of all the splenda packets they had all these great sayings. I think my favorite one was "Happiness is measured in sprinkles and smiles". How sweet is that?

So, I'm actually using Daniel, my swedish friend's, computer because Darko is using mine. And since this computer is from Sweden it's slightly different from mine. First, all the comands are in Swedish. So if I don't recognize what it's asking me then I'm screwed. Also, the keyboard has everything in weird positions. Like the "?" is with the "+" and the quotation marks are on the "2" button, and all the numbers have TWO different symbols that you can get, but in order to get the second one you have to press ctrl+alt. Very strange. It took me forever to figure out how to put an "@" when logging in to everything. It's funny, in an earlier post I was talking about how the Swedish girls were using poor Daniel for his computer, and now I'm using it. But I actually like Daniel. I don't actually NEED to be using his computer, unlike the stupid Swedish girls. And I told him that if he needed it that he could go ahead and throw me off. I wouldn't mind.

We aren't doing anything right now, but surfing the web. I'm not sure if we are going to do anything later on. I hope not...


Unknown said...

sounds like you're having a blast :) that night in sounds amazing. Nights like that are always fun.

Dude, bring him home to cook for us. Lord knows we need a cook in the family.

Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill waiting on that photo.

love you

Anonymous said...

amazing...i love reading your blogs. they make me so happy. how much did we talk about you going to ireland and finding a european lover to sweep you off your feet...and damn if it didn't happen.

life is funny. i love you

Anonymous said...

That chicken baquette you speak of really made me hungry. I hate you. I wish Harry would cook for me, but that is my wifely job. :( I do cook well though. A good present you could get him would be the Chop Wizard. It made all my kitchen dreams come true. You meet his parents yet???