Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Arguments, knee length pea coats, and shitty Ipods...

Early one crisp Dublin morning...
The bartending is going to have to be put on hold for a bit. Lionel, who was actually the one who was going to get me the job, and Darko had a bit of an argument last night. Apparently Darko told Lionel that he would have dinner waiting when Lionel got off work, but then we ended up falling asleep without making dinner and since we were asleep it took us a while to actually open the door for Lionel. All this coupled with the fact that Darko had just woken up and wasn't in the best mood apparently set Lionel off. He came storming into the room and got in Darko's face yelling that he needed to learn how to treat people and not use them. Darko was really quiet through the whole argument, but he was really mad. It was actually all a little scary. I think there are some underlying issues between Lionel and Darko that I don't understand because I'm still new to the whole situation, but something set Lionel off and it couldn't possibly be something so petty as not having dinner waiting. So, until they work out their issues, chances are Lionel's not going to be too keen on doing anything for me.

I've developed an obsession with Yop. It's yogurt, but it's slightly thinner than regular yogurt and it is in a bottle, so you can drink it. I love yogurt, but it's always so difficult to eat while on the move. You have to peel back the top, which sometimes results in it splattering all over you, then you have to have some sort of utensil to eat it with, and that's sometimes hard to come by. This Yop is amazing. Tastes just like yogurt, is filling, and all you have to do is twist off the cap and chug. I have one at least once a day. It's such a good breakfast for on the go people. And since there are like 45,677,900 Spars between my hostel and the LUAS line, there are that many opportunities to pick myself up a Yop on my way to work.

However, things don't open as early here as they do in the states. I was walking back to the hostel this morning (that's right, again I didn't sleep here. Waste of money, yes? Yeah, I know) and it was like 7 in the morning and none of the convenience stores were open yet. I mean come on. I guess since people usually don't start working till like 9, they don't feel the need to open early. But I was practically back in the city before I found some place where I could get my Yop. I was a little irriated. What about those people who have to be at work early. Darko, for example, leaves for work at 6:45. What if he wants some replenishment before heading to work. Nothing is open for him. I'm just used to the 7-11's that stay open 24 hours, and the Starbucks that open at 5, for those of us who go to work early.

Speaking of work. Did I mention I hate temping? Yeah, I think I did. I really don't want to work today. I wanted to work yesterday. And if I had worked yesterday, I would probably have been alright with working today. But if I don't start off the week working, I get lazy and don't want to work at all. Like, since I didn't work yesterday I really don't want to work for the rest of the week and want to just start next monday. It sucks, because I really should work. My funds are slipping, and if I want to do some traveling, I need some sort of income, yes? I think I may call the agency and just see if there is anything available for tomorrow and Thursday. Bleh. I'm just so damn lazy. Which is why I'm still living in the hostel. I'm too comfortable here at the moment to waste time roaming the city for another place to live. And I get free internet here.

Later that same day...
Also, I've decided that guys who wear knee length pea coats make me want to throw up. I'm not sure why, but I just think they are so ridiculous. Most of the boys who wear them are pretty boys. Maybe that's why I don't like it. The regular length pea coats, not so bad. But I think only girls should wear the knee length ones. Also, I hate people who don't move with the flow of people on the streets. Like, I understand tourists who are just meandering down the street, but seriously, if you're going to do that, don't walk directly in the middle of the sidewalk, move to one side so that those of us who have places to be don't have to press up against each other to get around you. And fuckers who stop in the middle of the sidewalk to talk to each other are the absolute worst. Get the fuck out of my way. Seriously. It took me entirely too long to run errands this morning because of stupid people like that.

One last thing... My Ipod is an enormous piece of flaming dog shit...


Anonymous said...

I've never had the desire to get an Ipod or the desire to see Harry in a knee-length queer boy coat. I do have the desire to get my hands on some YOP!!! I love yogurt + you make it sound off the flavor meter!

Unknown said...

I'd push those annoying fuckers out into the street to be hit.

Anonymous said...

still reading....