Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today I felt like a Mexican...

Hola Amigos! Es un otro dia en Dublin! Mucha fria con un poco del sol! Estoy teniendo un mal dia, pero sera quiza un mas adelante mejor! That's right, I can speak spanish when I want to. So why today do I feel a connection with our southern brethren? Because I sat in the immigration office for 2 hours today before deciding to leave. You know how when you go to the DMV there are like 50 windows but only about 3 of them are taking customers, and when you finally get to the window they are so bitter you just want to smack them around for a bit? The immigration office is very much like this. I swear there were about twenty windows, and at one point only one of them was taking people. I walked in, got my number and sat down. My number was 109, they were on 48. After an hour or so when they had only reached 64, I decided to leave and go tomorrow morning right when they open. I felt like what the Mexicans must feel like when they are trying to deal with U.S. immigration. I'm tempted to not register and just be illegal. Haha. Then I really would be a fucking Mexican.

However, as I was walking down the street away from immigration, I was entirely unaware that I had left my wallet, to include my passport, work permit, return ticket home, money, debit card, and all other important documents on the seat beside me. You see, when registering with immigration it is important to have all this documentation, and thinking it would be easier to just keep it out so that I wouldn't have to go digging in my purse when my number was called, I put it on the seat and put my purse over it to keep anyone from taking it. So when I decided to storm out of the office I grabbed my purse, my scarf, and my jacket and left in a huff, leaving my beautiful red Vera Bradley travel wallet in the seet beside me. LUCKILY, there is this form that also needed to be filled out when registering with immigration. This form includes your name, address, phone number, etc. I wasn't even sure I had to fill it out, but did on a whim so I wouldn't have to do it once I got to the window. This form was also left on the seat beside me. A lovely woman named Margaret White called me and said "Is this Rebecca? You've left your passport and wallet here at Immigration." I would have gone ALL day without knowing it, but turned right around, walked back to Immigration and thanked Margaret profusely. I can't believe someone turned it in. I just can't tell you how good I feel when I know that there are those people in the world who go out of their way to help someone. It's happened so much more here than it ever did in the states.

Feeling like a retard I go to a coffee shop to try and cheer myself up. I was sitting there minding my own business, when this dude comes over and says "Can I sit down". I said to him "I'm about to leave so yeah you can sit here" and he said "Oh no, sit with me for a few minutes", and I, weirded out, because, well, who wouldn't be, said "No, really, I have to go." Then he said "Well, what's your name pretty girl". Ew. You're not cute, you probably think all girls are pretty. Thanks, I don't talk to ugly people, ever. Goodbye. I just laughed nervously, got up and left. I was so worried that he was going to follow me, so I went shopping instead of going back to the hostel. I don't THINK he followed me, but whatever.

Since the coffee didn't cheer me up, I did what every girl does to put a smile on her face. I went shopping. The body shop has their pink grapefruit scent out now so I bought some hand cream and lip balm (yeah, I think I'm going to try to use the balm and see whether my lips break out). Then I went to this great store called Penney's and bought a shirt, a cute pair of black flats to replace the ones I lost, a belt, a bra, and a purse for 25.50 Euro. That's $33. That's right. This place is so freaking awesome. I had some trouble in the bra area though. Regular sizes are not the same in Europe as they are in the states, so I wasn't sure what size I needed to get, and since my boobs are abnormally large, it was even harder. But I bought a cute black lacy number and tried it on when I got home and it fits beautifully. I shouldn't have spent money, but I felt a little better that I got so much for so little.

Then I headed back to the hostel because I wanted to do laundry. Apparently you can't do laundry till after 4 here. So that sucked. I need to do laundry before we go to Slovenia but I don't want to wait until the afternoon to do it.

Anyhoo... If I see one more guy walking down the street with a bouquet of roses, I'm going to vomit.

Love you all... Happy Vagina Day!!!!


Unknown said...

Dude, you shouldn't feel bad for having spent money. There's actually a medical term for what you did today and it's proven to be extremely helpful to 97.348% of all women who try it. It's called retail therapy, and the results are almost always positive.

Dude I'm so not kidding. After Butterz, I went to Lerner and spent almost $200 and I still don't feel bad about it.

Can we see pics of the bra...on you? Sweet. Let us know how Darkie reacts to it.

If it makes you feel better, so far for Valentine's day I haven't gotten any flowers at all. I have gotten a giant chocolate heart with red chocolate roses on it, two Spongebob valentines, and a used pink stuffed bear in desperate need of a washing. That's right. My students love me enough to give me stuffed animals that they themselves have owned for most of their short little lives. I left it at school. I'm afraid of bringing diseases home.

Anonymous said...

Vera Bradley makes ugly things. I'm shocked you have one. That is a Phi Mu fucker thing. I'm so disappointed. If I see another bitch walking down the street with an ugly, quilt looking bag I will vomit. ;p

Tell us more about Penney's. How can it possibly be so affordable? Is it a thrift store?? Or like an Irish Forever 21?

I wish you luck on your new lipbalm. You don't want Darko to see your lips actin' a fool! You should start calling him D-Boy Floyd.

Anonymous said...

PS: You need to add Siegel Babies to your life's lil' pleasures list!

Anonymous said...

who is the above person?!?! and i just noticed the pics on the side! cute!!

Anonymous said...

Maura, it's me! Silly goose!