Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I think, I THINK, I might be going out with the boys tonight. I'm not going to get my hopes up, however, things could always change. I will keep you posted...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

6:30 and I'm awake and freezing...

So, it's 6:30 in the morning and I am awake drinking a coke. Why, you ask? I'm actually not sure. I think it was the drinking last night. I never sleep well after I drink. I've actually been tossing and turning since about 5, but finally decided to get up. This is going to be a short one, because I seriously feel like I'm freezing to death and either need to get back in bed or take a shower. I have to go to that damn place to work today, but I'm just going in for like half a day and then peacing out, because I hate it with a flaming passion. I have to go get my PPS number today. K... must go... Mr. Slovenia just came down.

Good news and bad news...

Well, you guys will all be happy to hear that I actually did something last night. I was sitting in my room with the south african, and I could tell he was getting ready to go out. So I tried to look as pitiful as I possibly can so that maybe he'll invite me out because I'm so desperately bored... WELL IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was like "Hey, we're going to the Q bar for a drink or two, you're welcome to come if you want". In my head I was like "SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES I TOTALLY WANT TO COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!" But on the outside I was like "Sure, that sounds like fun. Let me just change shoes." I was so freaking happy. He actually speaks english, and everything like that, so it was fabulous. So, let me just tell you a little about this bar. It's the kind of bar I would seriously avoid like the plague if I was in the states. It was very much like the bars they have in Shocko Bottom. Kelly, Maura, you know what I'm talking about. Kind of like Tobacco Company. Very U of R fuckerish. Like, dress code, drunk girls, the works... It was disgusting... But, it was nice to actually get out. I had my first Bulmers of the trip and let me tell you. Orgasmic... Seriously... I can't believe they don't have it in the states. So I was hanging out with Mr. South Africa, Lionel, and his friend Mr. Slovenia. Now, does anyone actually know where Slovenia is? Because I sure don't . This guy was hilarious. Like he had us rolling on the floor practically when he talked. And he was cute to boot. Hey that rhymed. Anyway, and then we started hanging out with the Italian and the second hottest French guy. The first hot french guy was sick, poor thing, so he stayed here. Oh I forgot. Before we left we were all standing in the lobby and I got to talking to this French girl who turned out to be really nice and cool. It was almost like she could tell that I was a little uncomfortable with all the French being spoken, so she stood there and chatted with me for a while before we left. It was really nice. So yeah, we're standing there at the the Q Bar and the music is ridiculous. Like Nelly, and Justin Timberlake (even thought I really like Justin Timberlake) and madonna. It was like I was back in the states in like 2001. It was a little surreal. So we're talking and Mr. South Africa was like "So do you like boys, or do you like girls, or what". Now, maybe it's just because I'm american and we aren't really as abrubt as South Africans, but it really surprised me that he was so honest about it. Like, in America, someone would never just go right up to someone and ask them their sexual preference. But I quickly got over my surprise and was like "No, I most definitely like boys" and I went in to how it's great in the mornings to just lay in bed and watch all the boys get dressed. He just laughed. So he asked me if I liked Irish men, and I said, yeah as long as they dont' have a beer gut, and since the hostel we are staying at is entirely French, he was like "what about French Guys" and I was like "Well, Tony (the hottest French guy in the building) is one of the best looking guys I've ever seen". But anyway. So we only have like one beer because Mr. Slovenia wants to go to sleep, and honestly, I hated the fucking place from the minute we walked in. So we left. When we got back to the hostel, Mr. Slovenia went to bed, and Mr. South Africa and myself went to our rooms. Now, I really should stop here and explain to you guys how hot Tony actually is. Like, he doesn't look French. He looks like he's mixed. So he's got dark skin and really dark hair, and I'm pretty sure his eyes are brown, but I couldn't honestly say.The first time I saw him I seriously almost creamed. Stunning. So I realized that I hadn't called mom that day and so I left. When I got back Mr. South Africa was in bed, and Tony was in the bathroom. So I grabbed my toothbrush and face wipes and headed in. We struck up a conversation. Well, as much of a conversation as possible. Half of the time it was me trying to figure out what he was trying to say, and then him trying to decipher my accent. Oh, I forgot again. You know how I've always wanted to be that person with the accent. Well apparently I am. Before we left the Q Bar we were talking to one of the French Guys, and he said to me "Where are you from" and of course I said "America" and Mr. Slovenia was like "You only have to talk to her for like a minute before you know where she's from because she has a really heavy American accent". I was like "SWEET!!!!! I have a heavy accent. That's awesome!!!!!". So anyway, getting back to the bathroom scene. He asked me if he could have one of my face wipes, and I wanted to say "Honey, you can have anything you want that belongs to me", but I didn't. I just said "Yeah, help yourself" which he probalby didn't understand. So we just kept talking and we started on the topic of how he had come to Ireland to work on his english and how he wasn't that good. And I was like "Well you speak better english than I speak French" and I had to explain it a bunch because he didn't know what I was talking about. But he was like "Yeah, it's not that good, but you will help with my english, yes?" I was like "Yeah, I'll help you as much as I can". So that was a fun night.

Now, who wants to hear about the ridiculously bad day I had. So yesterday I met with that bitchy recruiter right. So I get woken up at like 10 today because she is calling me telling me she has a role that she thinks would be amazig for me. I wanted to say "Bitch, I fucking told you yesterday that I didn' twant to start till Monday." But because I am nice, I was like "Yeah I can be there". So I head out at around 11, find the place at 11:30, and when I find out what I'm doing, I want to break down. Do you know what I did from 11:30-5:30. I typed. That's right. I was typing financial documents that were in PDF files and not word. It was ridiculous. I didn't think it could happen, but it was probably worse than Fauquier County. I was so pissed. And, at that point I hadn't eaten anything. Like, nothing. So I was starving, and irritated, and all I wanted to be doing was sleeping and watching the boys in my room get undressed. Damnit. I was pissed. So 5:30 finally rolled around, and I was like "Sweet, that means I get to go home" sort of. It would not be an easy feat (is that right?). The LUAS, which is like an above ground subway is what I rode in from work to the city. It was packed. I was seriously face to face, like within 3 inches, with this irish fellow, and someone was seriously all up on my backside. It was ridiculous. I was so pissed, and a little clausterphobic. So I finally got off the LUAS, and thought my troubles were behind me.

Nope. Off licenses are what they call "Liquor stores" here. So I went into the nearest SPAR, which is usually an off license. I was planning on endulging in as many Bulmers Lights as I could get my hands on. Well, this one wasn't an off license. Damnit. So I had to find another one that was. I guess it wasn't that hard considering theres like a Spar on every street corner. So I went into the closest one after that, bought 4 Bulmers lights and headed back to the hostel, sat in the lobby and drank away my sorrows. So if this blog seems a bit rambly, it's because I've had two and a half Bulmers and not a single thing to eat.

Oh, also. It's great. So many people here smoke. Like, not cigarrettes. I was sitting around minding my own business and Mr. South Africa and Tony are discussing something, and all of a sudden I realize that it's where to buy, well, you know. And I just laughed. There have been so many times when I've walked through my hallway and swore I smelled it, and wanted to knock on the door (JUST KIDDING MOM!!!!!!), but haven't. I'd like them to invite me, just to be invited. Not that I would indulge or anything, it would just be nice to be invited. haha. Anyhoo. That is all... Goodbye...

Monday, January 29, 2007

I need a couple of things...



I need to find a pool hall... and fast. Everyone has their methods of relieving stress: running, drugs, etc. I need to play pool. I remember finding one last time I was here, but have yet to come across it again. I asked at the receptionist desk, and she said she wasn't sure where there was one, but sent me to a part of town she thought there might be one. There wasn't. After a day like today I need to do something other than sit in the damn hostel all night.


Apparently I need to learn French. How long do you think it would take me to learn from just listening and being immersed in it? Jess, any quick lessons?
I need to fuck one of the hot guys staying in my hostel.

So, I have been trying to see Smokin Ace's for the past 3 days. I've walked to that damn theatre for the past three days, and every time I get there, there's a reason I don't see it. On Saturday and Sunday there was a showing for 4:15. So, today I tried to go again. I was at the theatre at 3:45 and standing in line before I looked up at the times and the next showing for Smokin Aces was 5:45. What the fuck!!! Apparently weekday and weekend times are different. Absolutely ridiculous. I refused to wait that long until it started, and I refused to leave the theatre AGAIN without seeing a movie. So I watched the Last King of Scotland, with Forrest Whitaker. It was really good. Probably one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. I'm glad I saw it.

So, you know those generic velcro reebok shoes that everyone wore as children, some longer than others, before we were able to tie our laces, I'm pretty sure I just saw some guy come in with shoes that look just like that but patent leather. They were gross.

Oh, and one more thing:

I'm having one of those days...

You know the kind where you feel really discouraged and a bit lonely. I have a bad feeling that I'm not going to get the Trinity job. That's not to say I won't be placed somewhere else that is as good or better than Trinity. But you know when you get your sights set on something and it doesn't happen, you kind of disregard everything else. Yeah, well. That's me today. I did go and register with another recruitment agency. I really wasn't feeling them though. The first agency I went to was much friendlier and helpful. Today I felt like the girl was being really pushy. I mean, I understand that she usually works with people who desperately need work and need to start a job. But when she makes it difficult to say no, that's a problem. Like I told her that I had registered with this first place and that they were going to try and place me at Trinity, and that I would know by tomorrow probably, and she was all like "Well, we have a place open starting tomorrow for two weeks, and we really like commitment". And I said "Ok, can I wait until Monday" and she was like "Well, this position would have to start tomorrow, not on Monday", and so I said "Well then I'll have to pass on that one until I hear about Trinity". Then I couldn't really read her feelings about that. She just said "Ok, that's fine, just call me on or around Wednesday to tell me what you're doing" and I said "Alrighty". But then on the elevator down she was all like "Who did you speak with at the Meghen Group?", and "What department are they putting you in at Trinity". It was like she was getting all this information so she could call and make sure I didn't get it. Now, I'm sure that's not what she was doing. She may have been making conversation, but it was weird. Then I had to take this stupid computer test to determine my level of proficiency with Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and typing speed. This would have been fine, except that on some questions, the way I would typically do a task it kept saying was wrong. So I would have to figure out how to do it using the damn toolbar as opposed to right clicking. And there were some things that I seriously could not figure out to do, especially on Powerpoint. But whatever. She said I got good scores. I don't care that I got good scores. I hate when things are frustrating. It puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

And this whole apartment search thing is really bothering me. I have always hated apartment searching, and it's even worse when I have to do it alone. It involves too many phone calls to people who don't speak english. You would think that not sleeping through the night would be incentive enough to leave the hostel, but it's really not.

Also, apparently I have to get a PPS number (the equivalent to our SSN) and it takes a lot of work to do, and proof of residence and all this shit. And then I need to do something for tax purposes so that they aren't taking 42 percent out of each check. But I need my PPS to do that. Then I also have to set up a bank account which includes having proof of employment and residence. It's all just a lot of work for only four months. If I were staying for a year I could understand all this crap. I'd almost rather just have them give me a check and mail it home every week to get deposited in my account there. But I guess that's not reasonable.

I'm just having one of those days. Maybe the whole Trinity thing will work out and I'll be able to get an apartment with people who speak my language. Right....

Sunday, January 28, 2007

It's nothing if not interesting...

Such an interesting day yesterday. The last we spoke I was mentioning the things I hate the most. Well, after that I got ridiculously bored and left the hostel. I walked around for a while and came across a rally. That's right. Apparently the Irish are still angry over British control of Northern Ireland.

Banner waving by the Patriotic Irish

I stood there for a while listening to them talk and then left. It was fun to witness something like that. I kept on walking and ended up at a movie theatre, but didn't see a movie because the only one I wanted to see wasn't going to start for like two hours. I just kept walking around for a while, did a window shopping, and then headed back to the hostel.

This is where it gets some-what good. When I got back to the hostel a very large group of middle aged Belgian punk rocker emo fuckers had moved into my room, and were already drunk. It was like 4 o'clock at this point. One of them was already passed out on the floor. There's a south african guy staying in my room and apparently he had told the Belgians where he was from, cause when I walked into the room they were all like "SOUTH AFRICA! WOO!". I just stared at them and said "I'm not from South Africa". So of course they asked me where I was from, and of course I don't think anything of telling them I'm American. Apparently I underestimated the hatred that Belgians have for Amercians. Before I knew it I had like six Belgians telling me how much they hate Americans and how stupid we all were. I was like "Alright, well we're not all stupid", and continued to argue my case for seriously like twenty minutes before they decided that they needed to go. I was like "Peace out, dudes, try not to wake me when you come back in". At this point the group of Brits came back in. So I sat and talked with them for a bit. Then they decided to go out. I utterly despise when there is a large group of people who are on friendly terms with someone traveling alone and they don't invite that one lonely person to go out with them. If I were with a group and had been speaking with one person I would have invited them along. Where was my fucking invite, bitches. That seriously happened like three times. Some people would come in, chat with me, and then leave. So the Brits leave and I am left staring at my feet.

That is when I said "Screw it", and left. I didn't go to a bar or anything by myself, but it was kind of fun to walk around on a Saturday and look at all the fucking idiots standing outside in 30 degree weather wearing nothing but a short skirt and tank top. Because, you know, smoking in any public place is against the law here in Ireland, so they all have to go outside. It's great. I stopped in at a Kabab shop and had some dinner, and then walked back to the hostel. I walked into my room and...

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, those are two drunk Belgians passed out on the floor. Why they didn't pass out in the beds is beyond me. Doesn't it take just as much effort to climb into bed as it does to fall onto the floor. Apparently. The South African was also in the room and we talked for a little while and then we both started reading. Not long after that, the Brits came back in, and got into bed. Then not long after that the rest of the Belgians came back. I'm not sure how many of you have ever met a Belgian. They're obnoxious. These more so than others. It was apparent that most of the people in the room were trying to go to sleep and yet, these motherfuckers kept right on laughing and screaming in Flemish. One of the British girls very politely said "Could you guys please try and keep it down, there are people trying to sleep". So they stopped talking for a while, but of course, that didn't last. Mr. Britain then got up and turned the lights out. That didn't deter them. Finally, Mr. South Africa said "Guys, why are you doing this, shut the fuck up". At that point I could see that this was not going to be an early night. The Belgians were so ridiculously drunk that I'm sure they didn't even understand what Mr. South Africa was saying. So finally, one of the lady brits went to complain about them. The receptionist came up and said "Get off the floor, get into bed, and if there's one more complaint, I'm going to kick you out". By the way, this was at 3:00 in the morning. Of course this wasn't the last we would hear from the Belgians. Not ten minutes after the receptionist left, they started up again. And again the lady Brit complained. Apparently when the receptionist said that one more complaint would have them kicked out, what he really meant was "One more complaint, and then me witnessing you being dickheads, and I'll kick you out", because he came back up and sat there for a while to see if they would cause problems. Well I wanted to be like "Um, the Belgians aren't stupid. They know you're here and of course they aren't going to do anything with you around." And they didn't. So the receptionist obviously couldn't do anything about it. So he left and we all layed back down.

This is where it gets a little creepy and slightly melodramatic. One of the Belgians gets up to go to the restroom, and is obviously drunk. Like to the point that he can barely see. So he makes his way to the bathroom and then comes back out and I'm watching him because, well, I'm awake, what else is there to do, and it's obvious he doesn't know where his bed is because he's headed in the wrong direction. At that point I probably should have gotten up to help him, but I didn't. He started climbing into one of the lady brits beds, and two of them sit up and start screaming at him. He realizes his mistake and gets back into his own bed, but not before the lady brits are ready to have him castrated. They run down to the desk and the receptionist comes up, but again, he can't really do anything because it's not like the Belgian attacked the girl, he just made a bit of a mistake on which bed to go to. But the Brits don't like that explanation. What's interesting though, is it's not the girl who's bed he climbed into that is making all the fuss. It's her two friends, who are apparently starved for attention. They want them thrown out or moved or something, but there are no beds available and they can't be thrown out. So while this is all going on me, Mr. South Africa, and Mr. Australia were just looking at each other, all of us thinking "Are you fucking kidding me, just shut the fuck up and go to bed".

But it doesn't end there. Oh no. The Brits call the police. That's right. They call the Garda to come and do something about the Belgians. So the cops come, but there was no assault or anything like that, so it's not really their place. It was the responsibility of the hostel to appease the issue. Since the cops couldn't do anything about it, and the hostel wouldn't do anything about it, the lady brits decided to just sleep on the couches in the lobby. So that was resolved a bit. At this point it was seriously 5:30 in the morning. The sun was rising as I was falling asleep.

You would think that after all that, I would be able to sleep all day, right? WRONG!!! The Belgians wake up at 9 and start making noise again. That's right 9 in the morning, like 3 hours after I had been able to fall asleep. I thought they would just get up and leave, but they didn't. Mr. South Africa was also awake at this point, who was also kept awake till 5:30. I finally sat up in bed and was like "Listen guys. Because of you we weren't able to go to sleep until 5:30 in the morning, and now you wake us up 3 hours later. Could you just shut up or leave". They shut up for a while, but not before Mr. South Africa has to yell again "Guys, stop talking". So they leave and decide to go have smoke outside, directly outside of our window. I jumped out of bed walked over to the window while one of them was saying "Oh, sorry", and I was like "No really, it's ok, I'll just close the window" and I slammed the window shut. So we had some peace and quiet for a bit until they seriously were getting ready to leave. Since they thought they were on friendly terms with me, as they were leaving they were all like "Goodbye, sorry for the noise, we hope you come to Belgium, we'll miss you, etc." and I was like "Yeah, whatever, I probably won't, sorry if we don't feel the same way, Peace". What I wanted to say was "You hate Americans so much, and it was all the Europeans in the room who caused you the most trouble asshole". But I didn't, and they FINALLY left.

Now, not to make light of the whole situation or anything, but the lady brits came back up and were talking about how the hostel should have done something considering one of the Belgians was going to rape one of them. I was thinking to myself "Good lord, he wasn't going to rape her, he just got mixed up as to where he was going. Who hasn't done that". Not to say that I wouldn't have been a little creeped out if the same thing had happened to me, but I'm pretty sure I would have understood he didn't have any malicious intentions. They calmed down a bit, and got ready for the day, and left.

So, the moral of the story... Belgians and drinking do not mix well... Also, weird things always seem to happen in hostels.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Following in my sister's footsteps...

Things I HATE:
When my fingers get so cold my rings start falling off
People who don't learn English
Socks with sandals
Tangles in my hair
Black socks with anything but a suit or tux
Any sock that is visible
Large crowds
Toilets that are broken
People who don't know when to shut the fuck up
Canadian accents
Being kept waiting
Being hungry
Boys who think they're superior to females
Bad movies
Job hunting
Cooked carrots
Long hair on old women
Hair that isn't washed
People who don't bathe
Mess, clutter, dirt
People who don't clean up after themselves
When the battery on my ipod dies
No internet connection
Paying 10 bucks to see the book of kells
Apartment hunting
Showers that don't drain
Anybody under the age of 20 and above the age of 10
Pretty boys
Girls in general
Cell phones that don't get service
Excessive public displays of affection
Couples in general
Ringing cell phones
Working out
Lack of customer service
Being ignored or disregarded
There's so much more... Maybe I'll make this a series... Coming soon: Things I hate, Volume 2.

Friday, January 26, 2007

My keyboard is starting to get oily from my constant typing...

I just had to share this with everyone... Those bastards got to Spongebob...

I'd like to say this will be the last post of the night, but I could be lying. I'm seriously online more here than I ever was in the States. Not a problem, though. I know everyone loves reading my blog.

I'm tired of weird creepy guys trying to talk to me. This weird guy came in a few minutes ago and he was wearing long black shorts with black socks pulled up to his knees and he seriously stood right in front of me and tried talking to me, and I wanted to say "You're ugly. I don't converse with ugly people". But I didn't. I just pretended to be really involved in what I was doing and he eventually left. Then, one of the not-so-hot, but not grotesque, French guys came in and was like "Why are you always on the computer" and I wanted to say "Because what's on my computer is MUCH MORE INTERESTING THAN YOU!!!". But I didn't. Instead, I said I was being anti-social and really just wanted to talk to my friends. He asked if I wanted to go out, and again I wanted to say "Why? So that I can be the only person there who speaks fluent english, while the rest of you speak in French, and only occasionally acknowledge my presence? No, thanks." But I didn't. I just said no. I'm pretty sure people are going to just keep pestering me to go out, and I'm going to have to break down and just go. He was weird. He kept asking for chewing gum, and I to make sure I was like "Gum" and he kept saying "Chewing Gum, do you know it". And I was like, "No, what's that". Just kidding. I gave him some gum. And then he left.

So, I'm pretty sure a couple had sex in the bathroom earlier in the night, which is disgusting because 1.) Eighteen people shower and shit in that bathroom daily, and 2.) I WAS RIGHT IN THE NEXT ROOM!!!!! Who does that? They came in and he started kissing her and kind of pushed her into the bathroom and they were in there for like 20 minutes. I put my ipod on and kept reading, trying not to think about how disgusting it was. It was gross.

There is NO ONE here. It's a little weird. Usually at this time there is at least one other person in the room. I mean, come on. It's 11:12. Shouldn't people be going to sleep? Just kidding. But it is weird. I'm singing to my iPod, so the longer people aren't here the better...:-)

I can't decide what to do tomorrow. I guess I could go see a movie.

Oh my god!!! I'm so tired of being tired and bored...

rockalittle106 (3:47:27 PM): yeah, I could tell when I saw the way you use're fucking the way, how are the Aussie-apostrophy-s?

I'm so fucking bored. The Aussies never came back, so I'm assuming they are still in Belfast, or, they didn't come back to the hostel before going out. So, for yet another night I am alone in my hostel room on my computer. Haha. God I'm a loser. I can't wait to start working. At least then I will have some people to at least talk to a bit. Speaking of work. At orientation today we were given the names of a few recruiting agencies to help with job placement. So when I got back to the hostel I emailed my CV (equivalent to a Resume) to one of the agencies, and not five minutes later I had an email reply and a phone call. I was told to come into the office today at 3. At that point it was like 1:30, and I was like shit, because I had no idea where this stupid place was. So I got dressed, and found my location on a map and headed out. I started panicking a bit when the numbers on the office buildings jumped from 134-22, and I was looking for 97. I found the place with a few minutes to spare, and was greeted by a lovely irish woman at the front desk. So I sat down with two agents, Nessa and Claudine and went over my CV with them. They said that they had some positions at Trinity University and I was like "Oh my god, that would be perfect" because I am totally in love with University atmospheres, and they were like, well we'll forward your CV to them and hopefully have you set up for an interview by Monday or Tuesday. Let's all cross our fingers. Anything in a University would be perfect. There is nothing better than a hot, young, smart irishman. And I'm sure they're everywhere on the Trinity campus. Yum.

Speaking of orientation, I encountered my first American today. He was a bit of an ass. He was from Chicago with gelled hair and huge muscles. I was like "Wow, I am back in the Siegel Center Fitness Room by the free weights". That's the last time I wish to meet more of my countrymen. I'd rather stick with the Frenchies who I can't understand. At least when they are acting arrogant I can't really tell. There were some stupid Canadians at the orientation as well, who were really bothering me. I hate that accent. More so than a southern accent. It just grates on my nerves. It's ABOUT!!!!!! Not ABOAT!!!!!!! Stupid people. At least when foreigners try to speak english they know they're not pronouncing things correctly and ask for verification. Not the damn Canadians. This one stupid girl was all "Well I've already gotten a job with a pharmaceutical company, and I've already gotten a place to live". SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! I hope you fall on the tracks of the DART, and get run over, but don't die, just get paralyzed and deformed, you stupid bitch. Then see if anyone thinks your ridiculous accent is endearing.

Right. I'm a little pissy because I'm bored. I'm sure I'll be back on here later.

So, last night didn't completely suck...

Sisters at arms length...

I was sitting up in my room, alone, typing on my computer. This boy, who I assumed was French because he was speaking French, came in and asked me what I was doing and why I wasn't downstairs socializing. And I was like "Because I'm being anti-social" and he said "Oh, no, why?" And so we started chatting a bit exchanged names. When he said his name I was like "Ok" and he said "Yeah, it's a strange name" and then I, thinking this boy was French, said "I suppose it's French" and he was like "No, it's a typically Italian name". I felt like such an ass. I'm sure he was thinking to himself "Stupid American, can't tell the difference between French and Italian". But he didn't say anything, and I didn't bring it up again. Apparently this boy speaks like ten different languages fairly fluently so, it was an honest mistake. So we sat there for a while, drinking a beer , and then we go downstairs for a little while, which was really awkward because everyone downstairs was speaking French, and I was like "hmmm... I don't know french, I'll just sit here and smile. I did chat some more with the Italian, and then I bid him adieu for the more comfortable atmosphere of the upstairs room, but before I left we exchanged emails because we're both going to be in Dublin for a while.

After going back upstairs, I turned my computer back on and continued to peruse the World Wide Web. Apparently, that was the cue for everyone to come back to the room. Seriously, there were like 7 Britains who were together who decided to come back and act like fucking retards for a while. Then there was this poor Spanish boy who is by himself but doesn't speak english. He seems more lost than me. I tried to talk to him, but with my very limited Spanish, and his complete lack of english, it didn't work very well. So he just kind of sat in his little corner and watched everything around him. Poor guy. The two Australians who were really loud the previous night came in, and since my computer was plugged in across one of their beds, I was like "Oh sorry, you can unplug that if you want to" and he said it was no big deal, but that led to other conversation which was nice. I could actually understand them without having to think about it. Up to that point everyone I had talked to had REALLY strong accents and broken english. It was great to be able to talk as fast as I wanted without having to repeat myself or rephrase because something I said wasn't understandable. So the Aussie's were nice. I think I'm going to go on a pub crawl with them tonight. That is, if I feel up to it.

I thought I was going to freeze to death last night. I am typically fine with the cold. But for some reason, I can not get warm here. People open the windows without any regard for the fact that it's below freezing outside. And it's not like there is a strong heater in the room to balance out the wind chill coming from the window. I woke up at around 6:30 this morning and thought I was going to die. Seriously. So I closed the window, but then I couldn't get back to sleep and I was still cold. Even now, I'm freezing. So I decided to just get up. I have to be somewhere at 11 o'clock anyway, so it's not a big deal. It gave me a chance to take a nice long shower, and get ready without rushing.

So, on the agenda today:

Job Hunting
Nap (perhaps)
Pub Crawl (maybe)

And I'll be online throughout the day as well, so be on the lookout for new posts.

In the Girl Scouts they tell you if you can't carry it all yourself, you packed too much... Well, damnit if I wasn't able to handle it all... All 100 pounds, Feder-Bear included... Kind of give you an idea of how much I had to lug up the stairs in the hostel... Yeah, not fun.

Oh My God, like it's totally Lindsay Lohan.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I am the epitome of the anti-social loser that no one likes...

So, I'm bored. I don't really feel like going out because I have limited funds until I find a job, and I really just don't want to drink right now. Oh, and, I would have no one to go out with. But I am bored with everything I can do online, and reading, and everything else there is to do in this godforsaken hostel. I played around with my make-up for a little while. Cleaned out one of my bags, and decided to get back online. On the plus side, I've been using wireless internet, and I've been going all the way down to the lobby to use it, because the receptionist said that that was the only place you could use it, but I thought to myself, well, the wireless router sends out a signal and wireless can be used as long as you can reach that signal, and I'm only on the second floor. So I whipped out my computer up here in my room and lo and behold, I can reach the signal. Beautiful. Just another way to be anti social I suppose. But it's just so much more convenient then having to lug my computer all the way downstairs when I want to write a blog or whatever.

There was something else I wanted to write about, but I can't remember what it was. I'm sure it will come to me eventually.

I just remembered. I have yet to meet one American. Most of the people I've met have been either French or Australian, and I just met a spaniard. But not a single fellow citizen of the U.S. of A. I would murder someone to hear an American accent. I would even settle for someone from North Carolina, Georgia, or Alabama, just to know I'm not the only fucking American in the country.

Because Maura asked me too... Also, why don't foreigners shower?

Last night pretty much sucked. I was completely jet lagged and wanted just to sleep forever. So, after refusing an invite to go out with the hot Frenchies, I layed down at around 11. Another girl had come during the day (boo) and she was in there, and there was another guy in there at the time. The light got turned out, and I tried going to sleep. It wasn't gonna happen. First, there was someone down the hall playing really loud, what sounded like club music, that made the entire building shake. Then, another group of stupid girls show up, walk in, turn the lights on, and start laughing hysterically, and talking really loud like there was no one in the room trying to sleep. Well, we all know that I don't like confrontation, so I didn't say anything. So eventually they settle down and the lights get turned out, and we all try to get some sleep. Not ten minutes after the lights get turned off, the first girl who was there fell asleep, and started snoring. Now, when I say snoring, I don't mean heavy breathing that borders on snoring. This was hardcore, loud as shit, snoring. So I'm like what the fuck. Are yous serious. I could tell everyone else in the room was bothered by it as well. The French girls were laughing, and finally the guy got up and woke the snoring girl, and she was like "what are you talking about, I wasn't even asleep", and he was like "Trust me, you were". So he lays back down. However, this would not be the last time he has to get up to wake her. Seriously, this went on ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!! In addition, more people showed up to the room and obviously have no consideration at all for people who are sleeping. These two Australian boys came into the room and were arguing about whether or not they should go somewhere tomorrow. They at least were nice enough not to turn the lights on, and went into the bathroom to talk, but really, when you're shouting one door is not going to keep the noise out. If I had heard "I'm not going if we don't have accomodation" one more time, I would have gotten up and said "For the Love of God, Please shut the fuck up." But they went to bed. And the girl continued to snore. And people kept coming in. The last time I remember anyone saying anything to the snoring girl, it was one of the French guys saying "Madam" and one other guy snapping his fingers at her and she says "Stop waking me up, this is a hostel, deal with it". That was at around 3:30. I think we all fell asleep after that. Needless to say I didn't get out of bed till about 12:30.

Other than that, things went well. I have seen more scantilly clad men in the past 24 hours then I have in the past year. Foreigners really have no qualms about stripping down to their boxers and walking around, which is really just fine with me. The only thing is that foreigners don't have the same attitude about fitness as we Americans. It is obvious that they do not work out. Ever. That's not to say they are large people. On the contrary, most of them are really skinny. They just aren't built like Americans. There are no six packs, no biceps, or pecs, and their legs are all normal sizes. This of course is fine with me, because most of them are relatively attractive (some more than others) in the face, and really that's all that matters.

There is, however, this one guy who is really ugly and smelly. No really, he smells bad. Body odor and what not. Never attractive. And he sleeps right above me. Not fun.

Anyway, today I'm going to apply for some more jobs, and then I'm not sure. There'll be an update later in the day.

P.S. This wireless internet is fantastic. I love not having to pay for internet.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It feels like I never left..

I woke up yesterday morning at 5:15, thus began my 24 hours worth of traveling. I really hate traveling. More than anything. All you do is sit around and wait to sit on a plane for hours at a time. It doesn't help when both of your flights are delayed. I also hate after you've completed your traveling and you have to collect your luggage at the carousel. There are a hundred people trying to do the same thing, and some of them are not nice about it. I watched my bags go around about 3 times before I was able to get close enough to touch them, let alone drag them off the carousel. On a side note, my large bag was 54 pounds, and they didn't charge me for it, thank goodness. They probably will on the way back, however. So after seven hours on a plane I have to wait another two hours before I'm actually at the hostel, because on the way there we hit morning traffic. Lovely, really.

But I arrived safe and sound to my hostel, and after dragging, seriously, dragging my bag up two flights of stairs because the lift is broken, I collapse in my bed intending to sleep for a good 4 hours AT LEAST. Alas, it was not to be. The cleaning people came in at like 11 and started cleaning, and they were not nice about it. (On another side note, I am in a mixed room (meaning boys and girls) and as I am trying to get all my shit in the room quietly I notice a couple sitting up getting ready. That was the only girl I saw in my room. The cleaning people cleaned the bed she was sleeping in. Thus, I think I am the only girl in the room. That is, I have yet to see another girl who is staying in the room with me. In an 18 bed room, I'm the only girl. . . Most of the guys I've met though have been really nice. It's so funny when you have a foreigner who is trying to learn English, cause all they want to do is talk. This one guy said that he came over to Ireland from France to learn english and ended up meeting up with a bunch of other French people, to which he speaks French. So he likes when he gets a chance to speak English for long periods of time. Now you have to understand, when he was saying all this it was in really broken English, but I was able to get the gyst (spelling?) of it. He is also really hot, so I'll let his bad english slide...

So after I got up and took a shower I decided to head out for a bit, and just take it all in, again. It kind of feels like I never left. Like I just moved to another hostel. I bought an Irish cell phone. That means, if anyone gets a text message from a 353 number, that's me, applied to a recruiting agency, so hopefully I'll get a job, and went to the movies to settle down a bit. Now I'm back at the hostel, and I am so incredibly exhausted, so I'll probably just go to bed soon.

Unless of course, the hot Frenchman wants to make out a little bit...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Off to the Mother Land...

Tomorrow's the big day, ladies and gentlemen. I get on a plane at 10:55 in the morning and will arrive in Dublin at 5:30 the next morning. Today's been a really busy day trying to get everything ready for the trip. I have an update on my packing situation. I broke down and added another bag to the equation. It was just impossible to pack everything into three bags and have them be carry-able. I also had to scale down how much was in my big bag, because it weighed sixty pounds (I actually put it on a scale) and I didn't want to spend $50 for things I'm not even sure I would need. I figure, IF I find out that I need something that I didn't bring, I'll take that $50 dollars that I saved for not going over weight, and put it towards whatever it is that I may need. As it is, I think I'm going to have an incredibly hard time getting all my luggage to my hostel, and then when I find someplace more permanent, getting my luggage to that place. It's gonna be rough. And then, if I travel around, I have no idea what I'm going to do. OH well. It'll all work itself out in the end. Hopefully.

I wasn't able to spend as much time with everyone as I had wanted to before I left. There are some who I didn't get to see at all. I will desperately miss my mother, my sister, and the rest of my family, and of course I will miss everyone else:

I'm going to try and find some of Maura's Kin...

I got Toni hooked on Karaoke, and now she'll have to do it by herself while I'm gone.

I didn't get to see Kelly or Josh before leaving, and miss them dearly...

Thanks to the freak snow storm, I had to bid an early farewell to Nate...

From here on out, I'll probably be posting a little more often then I have been. At least once every other day, hopefully. I'll have to skip tomorrow, unless of course the airports have wireless internet. Then I can wip out the 'ol computadora and waste some time between flights.

Until then, I bid you adieu...

Friday, January 19, 2007

The end is near...

I never thought this day would come. It's my last day of work. HALLELUJAH. I have never been so happy in my entire life. Although, I have to admit that the last couple of weeks have not been all that bad. Maybe it was because I knew it would be ending soon, maybe it was because I didn't have a lot to do. Whatever it was, I didn't spend nearly half the time in the bathroom crying because I hated my job so much. So that's a plus.

Four days and counting my friends, until I am here:

I am excited, worried, nervous, and giddy all at the same time. I feel like I have so much more to do before leaving. I still have to do laundry, clean my room, finish some stuff up on the computer, print some documents, settle things with Wachovia, do some last minute shopping, and finish packing, all while spending as much time with my mother as possible. It's going to be a busy few days. There are so many people who I want to see and talk to before I leave, but chances are that won't happen, so I'll have to be content with leaving everyone myspace and facebook messages.

I feel like I have a lot more to say. I'll close this post for now. Perhaps more will come to me later.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Alright, I think I might have fixed the issue...

Ok, I think I might have fixed the issue. But I'd still like some feedback on who can and cannot leave comments... So let me know... thanks...

Gosh, I sure do hate technology...

I am having some issues with this whole blogspot thing. For some reason, when on specific computers, blogspot refuses to allow one to select one of my links, for example, the link to leave a comment. Which means, when viewing my blog one is able to read everything I've put up, but is unable to give me feed back. One can, however, select the links at the bottom of the page. I am working to fix this problem, or attempting to. If I can't fix it, I suppose I will have to go back to Livejournal, which makes you register in order to leave comments. Until the problem is solved completely, if you desperately want to leave a comment, try using another computer to access my blog. That seems to work sometimes... Also, I would love some feedback on who can and can't leave comments... If you can't on here, I'm sure theres some way to get that information to me...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Let's reiterate... My rolling duffle... enormous...

I'm having a huge problem with my packing situation. That is, I can't find the room to fit everything I want to take with me. Here's the thing, I'm only taking three bags, one enormous rolling duffle, one small duffle, and a bookbag for my computer. As it is, all three of these bags are packed to the brim, and there's still a pile of stuff that needs to go somewhere. Also, I'm fairly certain the big rolling duffle is overweight, which means I'll have to pay an extra fee for the bag being in excess of fifty pounds. I mean, it's huge, enormous, I could fit a small golden retriever in it. Also, I really didn't want the book bag to weigh all that much because I'll be caring it around the damn airports for hours at a time, but alas, it weighs A LOT, and I haven't even put my computer in it yet. So I don't know what to do. It appears as if I'm going to have to rethink the amount of clothes I'm taking so that I can put some of the stuff that is making my bookbag so heavy in another bag. I was told once that you should lay out everything that you intend to take with you and reduce it by half before leaving, and that's all you should take. I don't know about reducing it to half, but I do know that the last time I was there I did overpack. I mean, they do have washing machine's in Europe...

Also, I've made an executive decision about my travels. I've decided that I'll look for a job for three weeks in Ireland. If, at the end of those three weeks, I haven't been employed yet, I'm going to take what money I have left and do the whole backpacking thing through Europe, and then come home. The last thing I want to do is waste all of my money looking for a job in Dublin, not being able to find one, and having to come home without seeing anything other than Dublin. It would just be a travesty to go all the way back to Europe and not see other places. I'm hoping this doesn't actually happen. I'd rather work in Dublin during the week and then take side trips on the weekends for the duration of my stay; thus seeing as much of Europe as I can, without going broke.

I thought to myself... What's one more...

I have a myspace, a facebook, and a live journal... I figure having one more isn't going to hurt... So we'll see how this goes for a while and then I'll decide which medium best suits my purpose while traveling abroad...