Friday, January 26, 2007

My keyboard is starting to get oily from my constant typing...

I just had to share this with everyone... Those bastards got to Spongebob...

I'd like to say this will be the last post of the night, but I could be lying. I'm seriously online more here than I ever was in the States. Not a problem, though. I know everyone loves reading my blog.

I'm tired of weird creepy guys trying to talk to me. This weird guy came in a few minutes ago and he was wearing long black shorts with black socks pulled up to his knees and he seriously stood right in front of me and tried talking to me, and I wanted to say "You're ugly. I don't converse with ugly people". But I didn't. I just pretended to be really involved in what I was doing and he eventually left. Then, one of the not-so-hot, but not grotesque, French guys came in and was like "Why are you always on the computer" and I wanted to say "Because what's on my computer is MUCH MORE INTERESTING THAN YOU!!!". But I didn't. Instead, I said I was being anti-social and really just wanted to talk to my friends. He asked if I wanted to go out, and again I wanted to say "Why? So that I can be the only person there who speaks fluent english, while the rest of you speak in French, and only occasionally acknowledge my presence? No, thanks." But I didn't. I just said no. I'm pretty sure people are going to just keep pestering me to go out, and I'm going to have to break down and just go. He was weird. He kept asking for chewing gum, and I to make sure I was like "Gum" and he kept saying "Chewing Gum, do you know it". And I was like, "No, what's that". Just kidding. I gave him some gum. And then he left.

So, I'm pretty sure a couple had sex in the bathroom earlier in the night, which is disgusting because 1.) Eighteen people shower and shit in that bathroom daily, and 2.) I WAS RIGHT IN THE NEXT ROOM!!!!! Who does that? They came in and he started kissing her and kind of pushed her into the bathroom and they were in there for like 20 minutes. I put my ipod on and kept reading, trying not to think about how disgusting it was. It was gross.

There is NO ONE here. It's a little weird. Usually at this time there is at least one other person in the room. I mean, come on. It's 11:12. Shouldn't people be going to sleep? Just kidding. But it is weird. I'm singing to my iPod, so the longer people aren't here the better...:-)

I can't decide what to do tomorrow. I guess I could go see a movie.


Unknown said...

here's a thought....GO OUT AND MAKE SOME FRIENDS...apparently they want to be your you!! :-D

Anonymous said...

seriously..whats your prob bob...go out!!! who cares if you are by yourself? i love to go just sit somewhere and have a beer by have NO idea who you will meet

p.s. that kinda sounded a little alcoholicy... :(

Anonymous said...

I can understand why you'd choose us over the smelly French men, but with what all you're paying to be there you should put on your hooker boots (or Crocs) + hit the town to make some friends!

I feel you about people fucking too close for comfort. That was my life in VCU dorms. Hopefully he didn't try to spell his name out on the tile or anything if you know what I mean. :)