Saturday, January 27, 2007

Following in my sister's footsteps...

Things I HATE:
When my fingers get so cold my rings start falling off
People who don't learn English
Socks with sandals
Tangles in my hair
Black socks with anything but a suit or tux
Any sock that is visible
Large crowds
Toilets that are broken
People who don't know when to shut the fuck up
Canadian accents
Being kept waiting
Being hungry
Boys who think they're superior to females
Bad movies
Job hunting
Cooked carrots
Long hair on old women
Hair that isn't washed
People who don't bathe
Mess, clutter, dirt
People who don't clean up after themselves
When the battery on my ipod dies
No internet connection
Paying 10 bucks to see the book of kells
Apartment hunting
Showers that don't drain
Anybody under the age of 20 and above the age of 10
Pretty boys
Girls in general
Cell phones that don't get service
Excessive public displays of affection
Couples in general
Ringing cell phones
Working out
Lack of customer service
Being ignored or disregarded
There's so much more... Maybe I'll make this a series... Coming soon: Things I hate, Volume 2.


Anonymous said...

i hate most of these things too. i wonder what time it is there..8:20pm here, you are probably in bed maybe? xooxxo

p.s. the emo spongebob is fucking hilar

Unknown said...

yeah most of those things piss me off too, especially wind, sweating, and people between the ages of 10 and 20.

Any luck finding an apartment?

Anonymous said...

I looooove cooked carrots + I could care less about ever getting an Ipod, but everything else I totally agree with... well except the Kells movie thing. I would think that with a name like Kells it would have to be good though, if not off the chain. :)

Does Maura know I found your emo SpongeBob?? She usually erases my commentary, yet is fond of the emo stuff. :)

Unknown said...

I think it's funny that Kelly thought the book of kells was a movie :)

Mother to be... said...

Haha... yeah I know... Just for future reference Kelly, the book of Kells is the gospels (you know, from God's book) as an illuminated manuscript that dates back to like 500 C.E. (A.D. for you religious freaks)... They house it at the Trinity University Library... It's like one of Dublin's most prestigous artifacts... :-)