Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I think he's just with me for my computer...

Just kidding. But we do tend to spend a lot of time on my computer. I think in the past four days we've spent 40 hours on the computer, and by we I mean Darko. But that's ok. For the most part I'm content playing cards and watching television. It's like I am at home.

Today was much better than yesterday. Probably because my mood was better, and I wasn't forced to get up early and walk somewhere in the rain to start off my day. Darko didn't work today as well (I know, I should probably make him go, but it's just so much nicer to lie in bed and cuddle) so we layed in bed till about 11, at which time we got up, got dressed, etc. We had lunch of chips and a chicken fillet baguette, and perused the internet. We've been talking about getting an apartment, so we browsed the web and found a really cute place for 1300 Euro a month, two bedroom, which we would share with another couple. The only problem is, we have to find another couple to share it with.

After that I decided that I really needed to do laundry and therefore, got it together and brought it down to reception. That's right, it's done for me. I feel bad for the people who have to do laundry. With all these gross backpackers who, like me, go weeks and weeks without washing their clothes, it must get really disgusting. I think it's even worse than washing the sweaty Siegel work out towels. At least then it's really only sweat. Lord knows what's growing on these clothes. Bleh.

Then we had dinner, which, of course, he cooked for me. I swear, the boy can make a feast from like three vegetables, some salt, a couple of chicken breasts and a sauce pan. Seriously, even the bread was good. Like, he heated it up on the stove and sprinkled it with salt and a bit of vegetable oil, and it was the best bread I'd ever tasted. He says that's how the Balkans cook, because a lot of them have only enough money to buy some veggies and meat and have a meal for the entire family. It was so hot. Then when someone asks him if he's a good cook he gets modest and says "Eh, I'm ok." To which I say "Stop being modest, you're amazing". I wanted to take some pics of him cooking to post, but he said no.

P.S. Kelly, you're right, Coke Zero, SO much better than Diet Coke, it really does taste like regular Coke. It's amazing.

I really wanted to do something today because starting tomorrow I have to go to work and won't have a lot of free time. Oh, on a side note, tomorrow I have an interview for a temp job that is supposed to last until the end of May. I can't decide if I'm happy about that or not. Like, I guess it's good that I'll finally have a stable job, but I don't really want to commit to something for three months that I have to go to everyday of the week. Darko was excited for me though, and said that if I kept turning down jobs they may not offer anymore to me. Good point. So, I've got that interview in the morning and then I have to work in the afternoon for the rest of the week. So, I really wanted to do something fun today, and Darko was feeling lazy and said no, and I was like "That's fine, but know that you owe me this weekend". Well, there's a soccer game on tonight that he wants to watch and all day he's been planning on watching it here. Turns out the hostel doesn't have the channel that the soccer game is on. So miraculously, Darko wants to go out. Haha. FUCKER. I just have to laugh. It's such a typical boy thing to do. And like, I had put my laundry in to get washed because I didn't think I had anything to do tonight, and now I have to wait for it to be done before I can go out. So Darko headed to the pub, and I'm going to meet him in a bit.

So, anyhoo... Wish me luck on my interview. If all goes well, I'll love this job and never want to leave.

Oh, I forgot something. I lost a pair of my jeans. I'm serious, they just disappeared. I brought six pairs of jeans with me. Three that actually fit, one that is too big, and two that are enormous. Honestly, not exactly sure why I brought the enormous ones. I threw one of them out today. But while I was going through all my stuff today for laundry I could not find one of the pairs that fit. I'm so pissed. They were my favorite and I haven't worn them since like the first couple of weeks I was here, and now they're gone. I have no idea what could have happened to them. Honestly, I don't even remember the last time I wore them so that maybe I could retrace my steps. So now I have only two pairs of jeans that fit and two pair that are way too big. I could go shopping, but I really REALLY liked these jeans. Darnit.


Unknown said...

dude, why are you asking him if you can take his picture? just take them. I mean really. Those who love you are curious. We have inquiring minds and inquiring minds want to know!!! See the photo on my site of Brent sleeping? Yeah I know it sickens you, but do you think I asked him for permission? Haaaaylll no!

Hey go ahead and wear the jeans that are too big. They'll make you look smaller than you actually are. You know how Mariah Carey's clothes make her look like a sausage stuffed into tiny leotard? Yeah those jeans could have the opposite effect. And if Darkie hates them, he can just rip them right off of you. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

I am always right, Katie. Coke Zero is bomb. I am drinking one right now as I read your blog.

I feel you about your jeans. Remember the pair we both had? The stretch Old Navy ones? Well, those now have a gaping hole in the crotch. All my jeans are gathering crotch + butt holes. I don't appreciate it!

Just take Darkie Dark's picture. He doesn't have to pose for you to get a shot. Just sneak in the kitchen + snap it! Your camera isn't a POS like mine where you gotta do it @ least 3x to get the flash to work. Just thinking about my camera makes me SO angry!

In Iraq, they hire ragheads to do the soldier's laundry. Now I feel sorry for them! 130 degrees in the summer, washing them sweaty ass draws! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! That is STANK!

Anonymous said...

im so glad you threw those jeans away..you need to flatter your pretty figure..i hate when you wear those big ole things...

but holy shit...are you really going to get an apartment with him...this is soooo cool!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, Katie! You need to write a new blog already! You is slackin', woman! Get to it! Put your ass into it!