Monday, February 12, 2007

Temp agencies suck ass...

I hate being a temp. It's so annoying to have to wait for a call, and then when that call finally does come, having to rush to where ever they tell me too. I actually wanted to work this morning and I called on Friday to tell them that I was available. So I didn't actually get a call this morning. But let me tell you, I'm sure if there's a day when I don't want to work, my phone will be ringing off the hook. Son of a bitch.

Also, I got back to the hostel this morning (I didn't sleep here last night... ;-) ), and there was a French guy in my bed and all my stuff had been put on the floor. I was like "Why'd you move my stuff?" and in his stupid French accent he was like "I needed to sleep last night" and I said "Yeah, but this is my bed" and he was like "No it isn't" and I just laughed and was like "Whatever dude". And I lost one of my shoes... :-(. They were such cute shoes too. They were just simple black flats that went perfectly with this one pair of jeans that I have. I'm a little sad about it.

Speaking of shoes, I desperately need an appropriate pair of shoes. I have none. All of my shoes have holes in them, or are open in the back, or made out of canvas. None of which bode well in a country that has rain 345 days out of the year. I was wearing my pair of croc mules yesterday which are open in the back, but don't actually have holes in the front like some of them, and I stepped in a really not so deep puddle, and water rushed into the back of them soaking my feet. It was horrible. And then, of course, since the shoes are rubber and have gotten wet they start making this ridiculous sound which is a little embarrassing. But like, there really are no appropriate shoes that look cute. I'd have to wear galoshes or tennis shoes, and who the fuck wants to wear tennis shoes? Not me, that's for sure.

So yesterday I ended up going over to Darko's. I know I said I wouldn't but I just can't resist when he invites me over. Haha. But, I hate one of his friends. Like, I've hated this guy since the first time I met him. I'm not sure if I've posted about him, but he's this like 40 year old Irish dude, who is ALWAYS around. Most of the time I want to be like, Darko, please just come over here so I don't have to see him. I don't think I can describe how annoying and weird this guy really is. He thinks he knows everything about everything, seriously. Like yesterday he was trying to tell me that in order to be a Green Beret you have to go through the Marines. Now, Jess, we both know Don's a green beret, and we know he was never in the Marines. So this fucking idiot is arguing with ME about GREEN BERET'S!!!! He's not even American and he thinks he knows about the fucking American Army. It pissed me off royally. And he's always talking badly about the Catholic Church. Now, I completely disagree with almost everything the Catholic Church stands for, but Darko is Catholic, and so I don't talk badly about it when he's around. But his friend does. I think it's so totally disrespectful. What else is weird about him. He always makes up lies about his past, and we all know they're lies because he's constantly contradicting himself. And yesterday, I swear to god, he suggested that I start working in a Brothel. That's right. A whore house. I was complaining about wanting another job and he said that he was planning on starting up a brothel and I could be the receptionist. I couldn't believe it. I mean, at least he wasn't suggesting I become a prostitute, but really, close enough. At this point Darko was in the bathroom so he didn't hear any of it, but I was silently pleading with him to get out of the bathroom. I was so totally uncomfortable. I just stopped talking, and Darko finally came out, and we left.

When I told Darko what he had suggested I think it made him kind of angry, because at that point he started saying how annoying he thought the guy was, and I was like thank god. I thought you were really good friends with him so I didn't want to say anything. He said they were friends, but that he was incredibly sketchy, and he was getting tired of it. Thank god. Maybe we can cut ties with the guy fairly soon.

So, something else that bothered me yesterday. Darko and I are NOT posh people. I despise places that have a dress code, where I have to wait in line to get in, and it not even being definite that I'll get in until I'm scrutinized by the doormen. I HATE places like that. There are so many other places where you don't have to go through all that shit that are much more chill. So our friend Lionel started working at this cute bar called Rush, which, I think on a weekend would be one of those posh places that I avoid like the plague, but on a Sunday night we were the only one's there. So they closed at 10:30 and Darko and I went to find somewhere to have another pint. So we're walking down this street and we hear this music coming from what we assume is a night club of some sort. So of course there is a doorman who is supposed to scrutinize everyone who wants to come in and Darko goes up to him and says "What is the name of this place, is it possible to just go in for a pint" and the guy looks at him with this ridiculous smirk on his face and says "Where you from Mate". I thought to myself, why the fuck does it matter where he's from. I mean really? So Darko says "I'm from Slovenia, and she's from America" gesturing to me, and the guy looks at me and kind of smiles and is like "Hi". I think he just wanted to hear me talk to make sure I was American, so I was like "Hi" and he said "Yeah, you guys can come in, it's five Euro". Now I don't know what's worse. Waiting in line to get in, or having to pay an entrance fee. So I said "No, we don't need to pay five euro to go in" and turned around and walked away. As we were leaving I asked Darko what would have happened if he had said we were both Slovenian. Would the guy have let us in, or turned us away. It was very strange. I don't think it should bother me but it does. I'm sure I'm guilty of this as well, but snap judgements based on someone's accent pisses me off. Haha. Yeah, I'm a hypocrite.

So we ended up at this really cute pub that was very laid back. We talked a bit about family and friends, had some drinks, and waited for Lionel to get off work. It was very chill. It's the kind of night I really enjoy having. We actually went our separate ways, he was going home with Lionel and I was going back to the hostel because he had to work this morning, but about five minutes from the hostel he called me and said "Meet me in front of Trinity". So I did, and he came back. So we went to sleep and this morning I seriously had to like push him out of bed for him to actually make it to work. At one point he said "Maybe I should call in" and I said "absolutely not". So he left and I slept.

So, who thinks I should try my hand at Bar tending? The bar that Lionel works needs people and he asked if I would want to work there. I told him I had no experience at all, and he said "Neither do I". So he asked the bar person if they took on girl bar tenders and the guy was like "Sure". So, I don't know. It could be fun. People don't tip here, but you make like 11 euro an hour. Not too bad, yes? I haven't decided yet, but soon, I may be the newest bar tender at Rush.


Anonymous said...

I think you should be a bartender. its fun, you'll meet lots of people and get lots of people observation skills under your belt, just my opninion

p.s. ive been reading your blog, maybe obsessively, maybe b.c im jealous and want to be writing a blog about my journeys... but, get it, slovenian lover. journey on!!

Mother to be... said...

Oh, MAN!!!! I LOVE WHEN NEW PEOPLE COMMENT ON MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

I love you Megan...

Unknown said...

hey mean z...I like you too

alrighty here I go...I really need to start taking notes as I read because your posts are so long and there are so many things on which I want to comment.

1) I wouldn't have been so nice to the ass who stole my bed...I'd have opened a can o' whoop-ass on'eem.

2) yeah tennis shoes are not fashion forward. I'm not sure what's worse. Tennis shoes or black jeans. :::with two fingers over inflated mouth, runs to puke:::

3) Yeah the annoying roommate? push him down the stairs? Or, move all his stuff out and when he comes back convince him that he never lived there. You know, like Chandler did with the Crazy Eddie.

4) What makes you think you're a hypocrite? You've NEVER made a snap judgement about someone based on their accent. You've always been SOOOOOOOOO accepting of all poeple, regardless of their Southern-Redneck-Hick drawwwwwwll.

5) ooohh!!! go for the tending job!! then you could quit this temp shit!!!! And you'd have more money to buy me presents!!!!

Unknown said...

oh one more thing.

:::in best "oh! look at that!" voice::::: (you know the one I'm talking about. The one you use when I show you an article of clothing you thing is repulsive)::::

what's that between Nate and Darkness?

Nate S said...

You should totally try to bartend. It's easier than people think. You get used to it and it's simple to remember the ingredients to all the drinks. And it's so cool you don't bad mouth the Church, because if you did, I'd totally punch you in the clit. Love your ass crack!

Anonymous said...

I love the new edition of your 'My Support' photo. It's sweet.

I wonder what your honey will do for you on Valentine's Day!

Working in general sucks, temp or not. We just need to work @ Siegel until our boobies can tuck into our pants.

Bartending would be cool, but kinda dangerous. Drunk men can attack you on your way home! :( And bartending makes your hands crack + stuff because of them always being exposed to alcohol.

Unknown said...

oh Kelly's got a good point with the hands cracking thing. And since you're afraid to moisturize anything because you're a freak, I'd worry about your hands falling off.

GOOD LUCK!!! OH and I don't love your ass crack like Nate, but I do love your boobies.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you take your Vicki Secret Dream Spell body cream if you ever decide to bartend! You know, I hate the smell of that stuff. I only like it on you. You are special. The black girls in high school ruined it for me. :(

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh im so fucking behind in the sorry!!! you know im doing bad when Megan comments!!!

im going to keep reading...

but let me tell you how cute it is that you get your man up for work and tell him he HAS to go!! i love it!!