Monday, February 19, 2007

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...

And today it was both. I had one of those days. You know the ones where EVERYTHING, no matter what annoys the living shit out of you. Yeah. If it had happened a week ago I would have said PMS. But it can't be that. But I swear to god, the whole day I've felt like crying or breaking something. Everything bothered me. I woke up this morning feeling fine. Then I had to walk in the rain to my agency to see if I could work. That didn't work out, so I had to walk all the way back in the rain. It all went downhill from there. Seriously. Bad day. I hope tomorrow is better. Probably won't be.


Unknown said...

tomorrow will be better. Darko will cook for you and then do the nasty with you, and that'll make you smile. Then you'll see something that will make you think of your amazing sister and how much you miss her. Then you'll want to go shopping and buy presents for her.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

i have those days too...and on those days you are allowed to cry AND break stuff! i think it has to do with hormones and us getting older or usually happens right before my period but thankful that you have both legs to walk in the rain with. no?


Anonymous said...

Eat chocolate. It naturally cheers you up. You should be used to all that rain from living in Rmond so long! You just need a fun sassy pair of mingo galoshes to excite you on those days. ;p

I love to just sit + cry sometimes. It's not good to go more than a month without crying.

Wanna hear something? Be glad you aren't this chick I saw on Tyra show today. She has such bad halitosis that she gargles with BLEACH!!!