Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's a PMS day...

You know how I know? Because I woke up this morning in a good mood, had one thing go wrong, and now feel like crying and sulking for the rest of the day.

There's this place called Bella Roma, which is one of our favorite Italian restuarants in the city. Well I haven't had it in a long time and the last time he had it I wasn't with him. So yesterday I asked if we could go and he said we'll go tomorrow around 12. I got really excited. At 11:30 this morning I woke him up and said "Can we go now?" and he said, get some soup to tide you over, we'll go in two hours. I didn't want soup, and felt resentful (the first pms clue) that he didn't jump up when I woke him, so I bought myself a sandwich, and was in the process of eating it when he came downstairs not ten minutes later. I just looked at him and kept eating my sandwich. I was looking so forward to going to Bella Roma and then to O'Briens for coffee. Had he just gotten up when I told woke him this wouldn't have happened. Pissed. That's what I was. Then the feeling refused to go away.

Later, he walks over to me and says "Lionel wants us to go to Pheonix Park for a barbecue. Call him and make arrangements". Not appreciating him telling me what to do. I said "I don't want to call him, you call him." We argued over who was going to call him and in the process his phones falls off the table and breaks open on the floor. Nothing that can't be fixed easily, but he scoops up all the pieces and slams them into the trash can and says "Then neither one of us will call him" and storms off. This would have been the second phone in a week that he lost, so as I'm digging the pieces out of the trash (luckily it was early in the day before it got really full) I was getting angrier and angrier (second pms clue). I get the phone together and working and storm into the living room and slam it down on the couch next to him and tell him he's an asshole (third pms clue) and storm out.

So I call Lionel and ask what the situation is, and he tells me they're going to have a bar-bq at Pheonix Park, etc, etc, and that he'd give us a call when he had more details, which pissed me off even more becuase if he was just going to call us back then why the fuck did I need to call him in the first place. So I seriously talked to Lionel three times before we left. He calls at like 3 and says, ok, be at the meeting spot in 15 minutes (the meeting spot being 20 minutes away). I hate being rushed. But apparently Darko hasn't caught on to that point yet. He starts rushing me and then looks at what I'm wearing and says "We're going to a barbeque. It's ridiculous for you to wear that". Let me fill you in on what I had on, and you all determine whether it was appropriate for the occasion. Keep in mind it's roughly 75 degrees outside, sunny, with a slight breeze. Dark Jeans, a black short sleeved shirt, flip flops, and pearls to finish off the effect. Raise your hand if you think that's inappropriate for a barbeque. Yeah, I didn't think so either. So I changed shoes threw on a longsleeved black T, but kept the pearls.

Since we were in a hurry we were walking really fast through the streets of Dublin. Because Darko had made me change shirts, I was sweating, and then we get to the grocery store and meet up with Lionel. This is what I see: Lionel, Nicky (a boy), Brad, another two boys I don't know, and Darko. So I say to Lionel "Is this supposed to be just a boy thing". And he looks at me and I can tell he feels kind of bad and he says "Yeah, sort of." I just looked at him and then said "You couldn't have told me this one of the 75 times we talked today, BEFORE i walked all the way down here to meet you". He said "I'm sorry, I thought it would be kind of rude to say that to you" (which maybe it would have, but I would have appreciated it more than being told to go away once I got there). So I said "Well I'm not going to go if it's just a boy thing, so I'll see you boys later" and proceeded to walk all the way back by myself in the Africa heat.

Then when I got back to the hostel I tried to get into my locker to get out the computer. Darko has a tendency to change the combonation without telling me. Today was NOT the best day to do that. I tried the combo probably 10 times before calling him and saying "Did you change the fucking combonation" and him giving it to me, with me hanging up without saying goodbye.

All day I haven't been able to shake the pissy feeling. At all. Which is how I know it's PMS. When it's not I can usually get over it pretty quickly. But not today.

It's so frustrating.

And it's even worse because I know Darko feels bad about everything, but nothing he does cheers me up when I'm like this, and then I feel even worse. So it sucks.

Anyway. I'm going to go sulk now. Have a beautiful day.


Anonymous said...

ummm i would be really pissed at all of those things and please don't chalk that up to PMS, i HATE when girls do that....

what you need to do is go to a pub by yourself and meet some cool people and then darko will wish he was with you

Mother to be... said...
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Mother to be... said...

haha... I know... even on a regular day I would have been pissed... but I seriously am PMSing so it makes it worse...

Unknown said...

dude, you changed shirts because he said you looked ridiculous???? K, two things wrong with that:
1) telling you that you look ridiculous
2) changing shirts because a boy told you to. I'm sure you looked gorgeous. Shoulda kept on the original shirt.

I suggest you have a talk with him later when you're more rational, because I'm a little pissed at his behavior right now. That's fine if he felt bad and all, but some things that need to be addressed:
1) why change the locker combination?
2) How's about we discuss the combination and change it together.
3) You looked fabulous.
4) Don't demand that you do anything. A better idea would have been to say "Hey can you call Stupid for me and see what the deal is for this afternoon?"

I love you.

Mother to be... said...

Alright, let me set some things straight before you guys start thinking he's a horrible person:

1. Jess, he didn't say I looked ridiculous... he said what I had on was ridiculous for a barbeque becuase it was too nice

2. I didn't change because he told me to, I changed because he asked me to... and even if I did change because he told me to... don't judge me... Also, I did keep the original one on... I just threw one on top of it and intended to take it off when we got to wherever we were going...

3. It's not a bad idea to change the locker combination. Usually he changes it and is around for me to ask him what it is... Yesterday just happened to be the one day he wasn't around...

4. He told me to call Lionel because sometimes he has trouble understanding what's going on due to his lack of english and gets a bit embarrassed by it... Yesterday I just wasn't in the mood to be sympathetic like I usually am...

Really, it wasn't nearly as bad as I made it out to sound. Jess, did you guys miss the PMS part? Cause I know you have those days when things are blown a bit out of propoertion, yes?

I love that everyone is so concerned for me... :-)

Anonymous said...

Hola Chica, left a message on your Myspace (I hope) if not) Hi again :) I'm in Sweden for a couple of days so I will get my doctor to subscribe to "me" a shitload of clarityn, gotta love medical benefits haha.

Anywho, hope you are doing well


Anonymous said...

I got my period 4 days early last week. I was a most unhappy camper. I love how we bleed together across the universe.