Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Bad moods and Sunshine...

I love my job. I seriously don't mind at all coming to work. I SERIOUSLY wish I could stay here. But, alas, this is my last week, because sadly, I'm just a temp, and even though the girl I'm temping for is going to be out of the office for at least another week or so, I have to go to Scotland next week. Is it bad that I kind of wish we had decided not to go anywhere, just so I could stay in my job? I know come Sunday night I'll be super excited about Scotland, but really, I just like what I do. I never thought I'd like a temping job, but seriously, this isn't like a temp job. I actually DO WORK!!! It's not just filing and typing. My name is actually on letters that are sent out to clients. I am changing databases and opening files. It's so great. I catch on quickly too. I know everyone here LOVES me and will be sad to see me go, especially since next week they'll probably have to get a new temp who isn't nearly as fast and smart as I am. Oh well. Scotland will be fun.

Although I love my job, it definitely keeps me busy and by the time I get home from work I'm so tired, all I want to do is sleep. That's how I felt last night. I was in bed by about 8, and asleep by about 9:30. It was probably better that I went straight to sleep because Darko wasn't in the best of moods either.

Today is his last day of the week because his vacation starts tomorrow. So I'm going to have to get out of bed at 7 and he gets to stay and sleep. Boo. I guess that's something to look forward to next week. Not having to get up at walk for 40 minutes just to get to work.

So, usually we sleep at the hostel, right? Our plane leaves at 6:30 in the morning on Monday morning, which means, in order to get there two hours in advance we would have to leave the hostel at like 3:45, which means we would have to get up by around 3:15. We decided not to book at the hostel and just sleep at the airport. Considering the fiasco I had in NYC last september when they told me the airport closed I was a bit skeptical. However, I refuse to pay 30 Euro to be in a hostel until 3 in the morning. That's just stupid. So I think we're just going to go to the airport at like 10, sleep on the benches till like 5, and then go check into our flight. At least I won't be by myself. That would be a little scary.

Today on my way to work there were people standing on the sidewalk passing out Smoothie drinks for free. Liter bottles of smoothie drinks actually. I though, hey that's cool, a whole liter of smoothie for free. So I took one... And realized why they were giving them away. It was seriously the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted in my entire life. It would have been really good if they had put on strawberries and yogurt in it, but they didn't. They had to add apple and grape, and the grape was incredibly overpowering. You don't realize how sour grapes really are until you mix them with other, not so sour fruits, like strawberries and apples. I still think it was kind of cool for them to be passing out liter bottles of drinks. Next time I hope it's coke zero or Bulmers. Probably won't pass out Bulmers on the street, but how cool would that be.
So I need to replenish my Wachovia account from here, and I don't know how to do it. I'm a bit skeptical about sending my pay checks through the mail to have my mother deposit them. What happens if the checks are lost in the mail, and how much of a delay would there be considering the checks are in Euro's and not Dollars. I thought about transfering money directly into my bank account, via a wire transfer, but that costs €30 per transaction. It may be the easiest way, however. I've never wired money before. Is it difficult?


Anonymous said...

A liter is a ton... especially if it's YOGURT! I could + would never drink a whole thing of a smoothie/yogurt in one sitting! It makes me gassy just thinking about it. However, if I get another pesky yeast infection you better believe I will down a liter or more of that mess! Stupid pussy...

Anonymous said...

wow i can't believe you like your job?! is there any chance that you could ask them if there might be a positioning opening up in the next couple of weeks. you never know until you ask!!!!!!

Unknown said...

do you really walk for 40 minutes to get to work? Dude....that's madness.

I'm glad you have an airport buddy this time. It'll be much safer and much more entertaining I'm sure.

oh that whole liter o' go-gurt thing....yeah I had to fight back my gag reflexes when I read that. No joke--my PB&J was almost in my mouth before I had to swallow it back down again. You gotta warn a brotha before disclosing that kind of thing.